Baked Eggs with Smoked Ham and Mushrooms

Baked Eggs with Smoked Ham and MushroomsSmoked ham and eggs make good partners – this tasty baked brunch or snack can be on the table in 15 minutes. Un-smoked ham may of course be used if preferred.

Serves 4

125g/5oz wild mushrooms, if available or button mushrooms, sliced and sautéed
80g/3oz smoked ham, diced
2 tablespoons passata or tomato juice
2 tablespoons grated Regato, or other hard cheese
4 eggs, preferably free range

Preheat the oven 170°C, Gas Mark 3

Butter 4 ramekins and season lightly.

Divide the mushrooms and ham between the 4 ramekins, reserving some mushrooms for garnish. Pour a little tomato juice into each one.

Carefully break an egg into each dish, sprinkle with cheese and seasoning.

Place the dishes on a shallow roasting dish, pour boiling water around them to cover half way up the ramekins. Place the ramekins in the oven.

Check the baked eggs after 10 minutes. The egg white should be just set with the yolk still runny but if you prefer your egg a little more cooked, bake for another 2-3 minutes.

Garnish with the reserved mushrooms and serve with fingers of hot toast for dipping into the yolks.

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