10 of the Best - Eat

Found 17 matches, showing 1 - 5 below.

10 of the Best for Al Fresco Dining

Good Day Deli
Summer may be a long time coming this year, but when the sun is out and you’re off on a break there’s nothing that says ‘down time’ like alfresco dining. So here are just a (very) few of this year’s favourites to enjoy in lovely places on your summer travels around the country.
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Memorable Meals in 2023 - Ten of the Best

Library Street
The first year of spontaneous travel since the beginning of the pandemic, 2023 may have had its ups and downs - including some challenging weather - but overall it was a joy, thanks to the freedom to move around, re-visit old haunts and discover a surprising number of new ones.
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Best Holiday Pit Stops - 10 of the Best

My Kitchen
Travelling the roads of Ireland more than most, we know what a difference a good journey break can make - and we have dozens of favourite pit stops dotted around the country. As many are on much shorter hours this year, we’ve picked some of the best that open every day or are managing keep to something like pre-pandemic hours for those relaxing en-route meals.
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Seafood Restaurants - 10 of the Best

Vaughan's Anchor Inn
Summer in Ireland and seafood is at its best...With dozens of seriously good speciality seafood restaurants around the country, our selection below is just a drop in the ocean. Better get started with this little taster then – always remembering there are plenty more (including many deservedly famous places) to choose from as well...
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10 the best Gardens...some with accommodation, all worth making a trip for.
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