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Found 1245 matches, showing 61 - 70 below.

Blasta Books - Hot Fat
Author: Georgina Campbell
Where has the joy in food gone? This is the question that the Meath based food and travel writers Russell Alford and Patrick Hanlon, aka GastroGays, have been asking themselves of late. The joy in the crunch, the sizzle, the dip and the dunk; the joy in every delicious bite?

Darina Allen
Author: Darina Allen
Unsure whether World Ocean Day is a celebration or a day of reflection, Darina Allen explains how much we depend on the oceans – and shares some recipes that respect them...

Grow it Yourself
Author: Michael Kelly
Join in 'Get Ireland Growing Day’ 2022 urges GIY Ireland founder, Mick Kelly - projects like seed exchanges, pollinator walks and foraging with friends all help to realise the power of communal vision and effort

Mamushka by Olia Hercules
Author: Darina Allen
Who better than Darina Allen to organise an online cookery demonstration based on the food of Ukraine to raise funds for the Irish Red Cross Ukraine Appeal. Here she tells us all about it and shares some super Ukrainian recipes.

Lakeside Killaloe
Author: Rachel Gaffney
The famous foodie who’s flying the tricolour for us in Texas shares her experience of a return visit to a special place, on the mighty River Shannon.

Achill Island organic smoked salmon
Author: Georgina Campbell
Even though international events mean that all celebrations are touched with sadness this year, Easter is always a great time to get together around the table with family and friends if possible - and there is something very comforting about sharing traditional food and favourite recipes...

Marie Gillooly
Author: Lesley Emerson
Lesley Emerson of PRWest shares an intriguing story about an extraordinary woman with Roscommon connections who is proudly remembered at a famous destination in the town - and also featured by a local historian who brings the town’s history to life on walking tours. How many other Irish hotels and hospitality businesses must have stories of their own to tell…

Martin Calvey
Author: Georgina Campbell
The annual Irish Food Writers’ Guild (IFWG) Awards have been announced. Fiercely independent and going strong since 1994, they are unique...

Grilled Spiced Chicken
Author: Darina Allen
Excited by two speakers who riveted the audience at last autumn’s Food On The Edge symposium, Darina shares her enthusiasm for a book that they have since published...

GIY Wasted
Author: Michael Kelly
There may not be too many people around who remember the Dig For Victory campaign in WW2, but the importance of food security has taken on a new urgency recently - and GIY founder Mick Kelly and his team have plenty of ideas and advice to help keep us all well fed while also enjoying gardening...
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