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Found 107 matches, showing 21 - 30 below.

GIY Tomatoes
Author: Michael Kelly
The veg patch feels like a hard task master right about now, churning out seemingly never-ending gluts of produce. There’s a level on which I feel grateful for this abundance, particularly when it’s all laid out in big beautiful trays, buckets or bowls. But there’s another level in which I feel “ENOUGH ALREADY”, particularly when said trays, buckets or bowls of produce have been hanging around the kitchen for 3 days and I know I have to do something with them.

Onions drying
Author: Michael Kelly
We’ve been eating onions for the last month or so, even though they are not ready yet. The immature ‘green’ onions are a delight to eat and can be used anywhere there is a requirement for a scallion. At this stage though, the onions are moving in to a territory where they are almost ready to harvest.

Drummond House Garlic Scapes for sale
Author: Michael Kelly
Michael Kelly highlights (again) the lamentable state of affairs in the commercial veg growing world in Ireland - and yet, despite everything, he feels that the tide is turning and there are some reasons for optimism. There are good news stories that could inspire young growers in to the industry - and, he says, “If this is to be Irish horticulture’s moment in the sun, it’s energy and innovation that’s needed”

GIY recipe
Author: Michael Kelly
Mindful that Ireland has recently become only the second country in the world to declare a climate and biodiversity emergency, the Grow It Yourself movement has even more relevance now.

Spicy Carrot And Chickpea Pitta Pocket
Author: Michael Kelly
I delivered a course on growing tomatoes at GROW HQ recently, and though I was ostensibly ‘at work’, it didn’t really feel like work to be teaching about growing tomatoes (don’t tell anyone though).

Chilli Peppers
Author: Michael Kelly
“Grand bit of spring in the air” the lady said to me as we stood waiting for the pedestrian lights to go green. “It’s lovely” I said and smiled back at her. And it was lovely to be walking along the quays in brilliant sunshine carrying my jacket under my arm. The combination of brighter mornings, longer evenings and mild weather had put a spring in my step and I was feeling chipper. I suspect I’m not alone.

Author: Michael Kelly
Most people sow their early potatoes outside in the vegetable patch in March, but if you have a polytunnel or greenhouse you can get started right now for a super early crop (May). Some years ago I went on a course with Jim Cronin over at his smallholding in Co Clare, and he outlined this method, which creates very deep beds and gives you an abundant crop.

Jerusalem Artichoke
Author: Michael Kelly
We harvested our Jersusalem artichokes in GROW HQ in the last month and they’ve started to appear on the menu in the café. When I started growing first I was confused about the difference between Jerusalem and Globe artichokes and wondered if it was just different names for the same vegetable. They are in fact entirely different vegetables that bear little resemblance to each other.

Author: Michael Kelly
I went on a sobering visit to a couple of our biggest field veg growers this week: Paul Brophy in Kildare who is the largest grower of broccoli in the state and the Weldon Brothers (Martin and Enda) in Swords who supply the majority of the Brussels Sprouts crop.

Michael Kelly
Author: Michael Kelly
Soil. Well, it’s just dirt really, isn’t it? It’s something to be cleaned off our boots and scrubbed off our hands, right? When I started growing my own food, I didn’t have any respect for the soil that the veg was growing in. My focus was on the seed, the plants, the vegetables. The soil was actually a source of annoyance to me - it had to be dug, raked, hoed, rotovated, coaxed and cajoled.
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