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Rachel Gaffney - Food
Author: Rachel Gaffney
Rachel Gaffney, the famous foodie who’s flying the flag for Ireland in Texas, travels to Austin for what turns out to be a very interesting foodie weekend

Margaret Hunt Hill bridge Dallas
Author: Rachel Gaffney
Rachel Gaffney, the famous foodie who’s flying the flag for Ireland in Texas, sees parallels between Dublin and Dallas in the rebirth of the city she now calls home.

Rachel Gaffney
Author: Rachel Gaffney
It was a Friday afternoon when I arrived in Austin, the capital of Texas. I was teaching an Irish cooking class at Central Market. I was early. The Capitol Building was calling me. I had visited once before, ever so briefly but had this urge to go back. Upon entering the building I noticed quite a few tour guides eagerly waiting to share their knowledge.

Rachel Gaffney
Author: Rachel Gaffney
To introduce herself and her new monthly column, well known foodie Rachel Gaffney explains how she came to be an American mom flying the flag for Ireland in Texas...
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