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Found 66 matches, showing 51 - 60 below.

Map of Ireland
Author: Rachel Gaffney
Rachel Gaffney, the famous foodie who's flying the tricolour for us in Texas compares some visitor expectations with their actual experiences in Ireland - and feels gratified

Rachel Gaffney
Author: Rachel Gaffney
Rachel Gaffney, the famous foodie who's flying the flag for Ireland in Texas, asks why is Irish food and cooking still laughed at in America?

Castletown House
Author: Rachel Gaffney
Rachel Gaffney, the famous foodie who’s flying the flag for Ireland in Texas, is turning her attention to other aspects of Irish culture - especially our historic buildings

Dromoland Castle
Author: Rachel Gaffney
Rachel Gaffney, the famous foodie who’s flying the flag for Ireland in Texas, shares valuable insights into the hopes and expectations of discerning travelers to Ireland - and how they can be met successfully.

Author: Rachel Gaffney
Rachel Gaffney, the famous foodie who’s flying the flag for Ireland in Texas, shares her thoughts on the Food Trends she sees shaping up for 2014. In the last few weeks, I have read articles, glanced at various headlines, listened to the radio, watched the television and observed through social media the chatter regarding food trends for 2014. Some have been mentioned repeatedly and others in isolation.

Cinderella Pumpkin
Author: Rachel Gaffney
Rachel Gaffney, the famous foodie who’s flying the flag for Ireland in Texas, reveals that In America just like Ireland, Autumn is Pumpkin Time

Wholesome Fayre
Author: Rachel Gaffney
Rachel Gaffney, the famous foodie who’s flying the flag for Ireland in Texas, shares some of the good - and, revealingly, some of the not so good - experiences of a recent visit back to Ireland with her family

Author: Rachel Gaffney
Rachel Gaffney, the famous foodie who’s flying the flag for Ireland in Texas, explains why there are Not So Many Limits in Austin

Author: Rachel Gaffney
Rachel Gaffney, the famous foodie who's flying the flag for Ireland in Texas, tells us about grapefruit

Author: Rachel Gaffney
Rachel Gaffney, the famous foodie who’s flying the flag for Ireland in Texas, explains the vital difference between ‘barbecue’ and ‘BBQ’ - and introduces us to the Texas BBQ
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