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Irish Apples
Author: In Season
Apples have been grown in Ireland for at least 3000 years. Indeed, St. Patrick is said to have planted a number of apple trees in Ireland, including one at Ceangoba, a settlement close to where Armagh is now situated. Early monastic records tell us that the monks were given apples with their meals, especially at festival times. The Brehon laws (originating between 2000 and 1000BC) stipulated that anyone cutting down an apple tree would be subject to a severe penalty; namely a fine of five cows, and even removing a limb or branch would warrant a fine of some sort.

ireland guide iPhone App
Author: News
Georgina Campbell Guides is yet again at the forefront of technological development in the hospitality guide market in Ireland. Following the unprecedented success of our first IrelandGuide App, one year later sees the launch of the all new Georgina Campbell's IrelandGuide iPhone Application (v2.0).

Ireland for Food Lovers by Georgina Campbell
Author: News
Everything the food lover in Ireland needs to know...
Food tourism in Ireland enters an exciting new phase with this new book, the first to offer a complete user guide to finding and buying the best Irish foods - and how to enjoy them at their best, both when eating out and at home.

Georgina Campbell's Ireland Awards
Author: News
Raising a Toast to Those who Survive – and Thrive! At the 2011 Georgina Campbell Awards.

Representatives of the very best of Irish hospitality gathered at Bord Bia in Dublin today (12th October 2010), for the announcement of the 2011 Georgina Campbell Awards, associated with the respected Georgina Campbell’s Ireland independent hospitality guides, and Ireland’s most popular independent hospitality and travel website Unlike most other award schemes, the Georgina Campbell Awards are completely independent, and in no way affiliated with trade associations or marketing groups; it is this independence which has earned them special respect in the industry, and public trust.

The Winding Stair - Restaurant Dublin 1 ireland
Author: Just Ask
The Winding Stair has been in the news a lot of late and, following the well-publicised problems of the previous owners, the Thomas Read group, Dubliners were delighted when the highly regarded former manager, Elaine Murphy, emerged earlier this year as the new proprietor-manager of this delightfully characterful restaurant overlooking the Liffey. This was great news for everyone who had come to love the real Irish feel of the restaurant, including the way it was expressed through simply cooked local Irish and artisan food – a real ‘good home cooking’ style that was at odds with the cheffy tall food fashions of the day when the restaurant opened in 2006, but is widely appreciated now.

Beef - Castlefarm Cows
Author: In Season
At this time of year, chefs and beef connoisseurs begin to get excited about the new autumn beef which is just coming in from local farmers. Beef may be available all year – and many consumers are unaware of it as a seasonal food, in the way that lamb is – but those in the know keenly anticipate the meaty treats which will only be available for a couple of months during the autumn. In north Dublin, for example, Howth butcher Ray Collier stocks the local Baily beef – finished each summer on a nearby farm ...

Castlefarm Shop
Author: Georgina Campbell
Thinking back on it, it’s amazing how farming has changed in the last half century or so - for anyone growing up more than 50 or 60 years ago, organic farming was the norm; it didn’t need a label, it was just traditional farming. Then, after World War Two all that changed with the drive to increase yields dramatically and – crucially - to produce cheap food. Now we’re coming full cycle and seeing the damage that intensive production can bring with it, so good traditionally produced food (mainly, but not necessarily, ‘organic’) is regaining its well-deserved status.

Hilton Park - Clones County Monaghan Ireland
Author: Lucy Madden
"People abroad no longer think Ireland possesses a naturally unspoiled environment, because the truth is out there."
“Authentic: not imaginary, false fake or imitation: genuine, OED." Ah. So that's what it means, says himself, closing the dictionary. One might be forgiven for believing that it means just the opposite; we are told that the diktat currently regimenting bed and breakfast establishments will provide visitors with an "authentic" experience of Irish life. The 40 page document, mentioned on these pages before, which insists even for its basic level of approval, that the premises conform to a rigid set of rules will have the effect of littering the country with identical, unauthentic clones.

Castlefarm Organic Farm Foods - Jenny Young
Author: Special Irish Foods & People Who Make Them
Although we are now a widely urbanised society, a high proportion of Irish people have country connections - yet there were worrying signs, during the boom years, of growing disconnection with our rural roots. But all that is changing as concern about the economy, and issues like food security and provenance, are all stimulating a fresh appreciation of seasonal, local produce - and inspiring thousands to grow their own food, often on allotments. Energetic, passionate and multi-talented people like Peter and Jenny Young, fourth generation custodians of a170-acre organic farm between Athy and Kilcullen, are making a valuable contribution to this changing scene with their open farm policy (tours arranged), farm shop and communications skills.

Catherine's Italian Kitchen by Catherine Fulvio  (Gill & Macmillan paperback 254pp, €19.19)
Author: Cookbook Reviews
Having full time experience running her lovely Co Wicklow farm B&B, Ballyknocken House, and the cookery school she has set up there, the delightful Catherine Fulvio is a practical cook as well as an inspiring one, so this is definitely won’t be one of those books that languishes on the bookshelf and rarely gets used.
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