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Cliff House Hotel The Cookbook
Author: Cookbook Reviews
STOP PRESS! (Or at least it would be stop press in a non-digital world), a lovely big hunk of a book has just landed on my desk and – although it’s something to come back to in more detail another time – I just have to share my initial impressions of Cliff House Hotel, The Cookbook (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt publishers, New York; hardback 238pp, €24.95).

BIM Seafood Circle
Author: Marilyn Bright
Marilyn Bright chats to BIM Seafood Circle members and discovers their love for the lesser known species of seafood. From Dean Swift’s Malahide herrings “soft as custard” and Molly Malone’s cockles and mussels, history abounds with the variety of Irish seafood enjoyed over the centuries. Through the years, annual shoals of mackerel and herring were celebrated in song and busy fishmongers’ stalls sold plentiful whiting, cod, haddock and hake as well as the dried ling and good red herrings used to flavour the potatoes down the country.

Fiacri Country House Restaurant & Cookery School - Roscrea County Tipperary ireland
Author: Just Ask
The “Just Ask!” Restaurant of the Month winner for August is Fiacri Country House Restaurant & Cookery School, near Roscrea, Co Tipperary, which has been known for its good food since it was set up by Enda and Ailish Hennessy in 1997 and attracts regular customers from a wide area.

Lobster - King Sitric
Author: Georgina Campbell
Ask around to see what’s regarded as the ultimate treat when dining out, and the chances are most people will say lobster – and the good news is that it’s so plentiful this summer that prices have come way, way down. So not only can you enjoy lobster more often in your favourite seafood restaurants, but it’s a real option for cooking at home or in your holiday kitchen too...

Hilton Park - Clones County Monaghan Ireland
Author: Lucy Madden
Remember the couple who were spotted ‘fornicating’ on a beach in Dubai? They got off lightly, I reckon. Three months in the slammer seems lenient; in other places, it could have been death by stoning or decapitation, or worse. It only goes to show how horribly we Westerners behave as soon as the seat-belt sign is switched off at foreign airports. Then the hordes of overweight, tattooed, inappropriately dressed individuals spill out onto foreign soil. It’s all so embarrassing.

Murphys Ice Cream
Author: Special Irish Foods & People Who Make Them
We may not always like the rain but it makes for great grass – the key to Ireland’s well-earned reputation for wonderful dairy produce. For the last few decades, that rich creamy milk has been the foundation for the ever-growing number of superb handmade cheeses that are now so familiar that we almost take them for granted - and, more recently, a surprising number of entrepreneurs looking for a niche product have taken to making artisan ice creams.

What to Eat Now - More Please! by Valentine Warner
Author: Cookbook Reviews
Two very appealing new cookbooks have hit my desk recently, and both will merit a re-visit later in the year, as there are some delicious recipes well worth sampling. What To Eat Now - More Please! by Valentine Warner is inspirational for its' use of what are mostly familiar everyday ingredients at the peak of their perfection, while Green & Black's Chocolate Recipes is full of all sorts of luscious items that should only be seen as special treats.

Rathmullan House - County Donegal ireland
Author: Just Ask
The “Just Ask!” Restaurant of the Month winner for July is Rathmullan House, Rathmullan, Co Donegal, a gracious nineteenth century house set in lovely gardens on the shores of Lough Swilly which has been run as a country house hotel by the Wheeler family since 1961, and is currently under the energetic management of William and Mark Wheeler, and their wives Yvonne and Mary.

The Galway Ingredient
Author: Cookbook Reviews
A small group of Euro-Toques chefs (members of the non-elitist international chefs’ organisation dedicated to safeguarding culinary heritage) got together to celebrate the food of the area - and the recent Volvo Ocean Race stopover - in a DIY recipe book, The Galway Ingredient.

Gerry Galvin's Seafood Coddle
Author: Georgina Campbell
Whether you’re in a smart seafood restaurant such as The King Sitric of Howth or O’Connors of Bantry, relaxing in a pub like Mary Ann’s in Castletownshend or The Lobster Pot in Carne – or in your own back garden, this is the perfect time of year to make the most of seafood from Irish coastal waters. Quickly cooked and easily served with accompaniments that can be prepared ahead, seafood is ideal for barbecues and summer salads and entertaining.
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