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Author: Georgina Campbell
A really encouraging thing is happening all over Ireland at the moment: growing-your-own is back in style. And, although there’s a touch of ‘Digging for Victory’ about the unlikely places that are being turned into productive gardens, it isn’t just about beating the recession or keeping costs down, but more to do with a return to reality and care about quality food and where it comes from...

Carrigbyrne Cheeses
Author: Special Irish Foods & People Who Make Them
Carrigbyrne St Killian is one of Ireland’s longest-established and most popular farmhouse cheeses – easily recognisable (even when sold as an own-brand, eg M&S) by its presentation in a smart hexagonal box, this camembert style cheese has been made since 1982 by dairy farmers Patrick and Juliet Berridge on their family farm close to Adamstown in Co. Wexford, along with their other cheeses, St Brendans and Irish Brie.

Hilton Park
Author: Lucy Madden
LUCY MADDEN ponders international attitudes to gratuity and finds that, despite popular belief, American guests aren’t a sure thing.

Eat Smart Week - Derry Clarke
Author: News
How healthy is your shopping basket? The recent Slán survey shows that one in four Irish people is now obese – hopefully the recession will make us think more carefully about the food we buy, but it can’t be relied on to reverse this alarming trend. Addressing this problem is central to The Nutrition and Health Foundation’s annual Eat Smart Week...

Scenic Ireland
Author: News
Fáilte Ireland’s recently published Key Overseas Visitor Survey makes interesting reading - 5,700 holidaymakers were asked: why do visitors come to Ireland - and do they enjoy their stay here?

Longueville House Hotel
Author: Just Ask
"Just Ask!” is a public awareness campaign run by Bord Bia that aims to encourage consumers when eating out to look for information on where the food (particularly meat) on their plate comes from, and encourages chefs to provide this information on their menus. The programme supports both large and smaller artisan suppliers, encouraging both Irish diners and visitors from abroad to support restaurants that are in turn supporting their suppliers. Here at Georgina Campbell Guides we have always been avid supporters of the ‘eat local’ concept, and we take great delight in menus that have a real sense of place.

Baileys Eurotoques Young Chef of the Year 2009
Author: News
23 year old James Devine from Dungannon, Co Tyrone has beaten four other finalists from across Ireland to win the title Baileys® Euro-Toques Young Chef for 2009, plus a cash prize of €1,250 and a two week stage at renowned London restaurant Pied à Terre. ‘Baileys Euro-Toques Young Chef’ is one of the toughest and most prestigious culinary competitions to win...

Hilton Park - Clones County Monaghan Ireland
Author: Lucy Madden
A younger friend told me recently that I was totally out of touch with current trends and had no idea at all what people want. Me, old fashioned? Fiddle-de-dee. Her observation was based on remarks previously made by myself about certain establishments that have been refurbished and, in my opinion, rendered hideous and out of character with the original buildings.

Arctic Charr
Author: Special Irish Foods & People Who Make Them
Arctic charr is a fish highly prized for its meaty texture and mild, yet distinctive flavour. Since the last ice-age charr have thrived in the cold, pure water of glacial lakes on Ireland’s Atlantic seaboard - elusive to anglers because of their habit of lurking at the bottom of the deep lakes.

Leg of Lamb Roasted with Mustard and Rosemary
Author: Georgina Campbell
Lamb is synonymous with spring, and has become one of the most popular Easter treats in recent years. New season Irish spring lamb is tiny and delicately flavoured - and commands a premium price; certainly a treat by any standards. But what you’re more likely to be cooking at this time of year, especially for a gathering of any size, will actually be hogget, which is a one year old lamb with plenty of meat on it and good-sized roasting joints.
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