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Found 1249 matches, showing 891 - 900 below.

Lamb Shanks
Author: Georgina Campbell
This time of year is always deceptive, the days are getting longer and everybody starts talking about spring but it’s often the coldest time of all. What’s needed in the kitchen is recipes for some fine big meals with plenty of good Irish meat and vegetables to keep out the cold.

Chocolate Truffles
Author: Kristin Jensen
In the second of a series which shows how to get the best from some specific food and beer pairings, our expert columnist and food blogger Kristin Jensen gives her tips on matching beer and chocolate. Prepare to be surprised!

Author: Jenny Young
The year’s new arrivals have begun at Castlefarm. We arrived back from our annual holidays on 2nd of February to nine calves that had been born early. Needless to say, Andrew who works with us full time on the farm was delighted to see us back. Although we started out the month milking 18 cows, each day brings at least one fresh calver that adds to the milking total.

Winter Veg
Author: Michael Kelly
As we make the first tentative sowings of 2013, the 2012 growing season, for the moment, keeps on giving. Last weekend I got out in the veg patch in frost and brilliant sunshine to do some jobs which should have been done ages ago, and primary among them was to lift the remaining celeriac and parsnips from the ground.

Rachel Gaffney - Food
Author: Rachel Gaffney
Rachel Gaffney, the famous foodie who’s flying the flag for Ireland in Texas, travels to Austin for what turns out to be a very interesting foodie weekend

Martin & Sile Dwyer
Author: Martin Dwyer
Euro-Toques chef Martin Dwyer, much missed in Ireland since he and his wife Sile sold their eponymous restaurant in Waterford and moved to France. They now live in the Languedoc, where they take guests - and feed them very well. Here’s his Day in the Life of a Maison d’Hote...

Darina Allen
Author: Darina Allen
This month Darina focuses on the value of farm shops, for farmers - and their customers, especially children. Farm Shops, we need many more all around the country so farmers can sell and add value to their produce and local people can buy directly from the farm.

Lucy & Johnny Madden
Author: Lucy Madden
Never one to shy away from unspoken truths, this month Lucy Madden considers the elderly... The hirsute and not-so-easy-on-the eye racing correspondent John McCririck (72) is suing Channel 4 for alleged ‘ageism’ in replacing him with the younger and undisputedly popular ex-jockey Clare Balding (41).

Kilbeggan Organic Porridge
Author: Special Irish Foods & People Who Make Them
"Oats Produced from Ballard Organic Farm, owned and operated by the Lalor family since 1844" is the proud proclamation on the Kilbeggan Organic Foods website and it says a lot about the principles of stewardship that Pat Lalor values so highly, and which saw him start the conversion to organic certification in 1999.

Wok Fried Clams
Author: In Season
With pretty coloured shells, Palourde clams, tapes semidecussatus, are also known as ‘carpetshell’ or ‘Manila’ clams, and were introduced to Ireland in the early 1980s. Since then palourde clams have been farmed here in places with the required sandy beaches, notably in Co Sligo and Kerry. Although there is a wild native Irish relative (the ‘White Palourde’), the farmed variety is the one most often see in Irish fish shops.
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