The Fatted Calf - Glasson, Co Westmeath

“What could be more appropriate than celebration of a promising new business?
One of the surprising things about the last couple of years is the number of new openings there have been – yes, opportunities not previously affordable certainly exist now, but at a time of crisis in the hospitality industry it take a special kind of confidence to grasp them.
And our Newcomer of the Year is exceptionally well placed to succeed: Feargal O’Donnell - a prominent Euro-Toques chef, who is already well known in the area - and his wife, Fiona, chose well when they took over a pub in the charming almost-waterside midlands ‘village of the roses’, near Athlone.
Their informal style, with food that offers a timely combination of gastro-pub and contemporary fine dining in a family-friendly atmosphere, is bang on the nail – and we are confident that their new venture will be very successful.”