Found 260 matches, showing 41 -
45 below.
Pumpkin and Parsnip Cassoulet

Recession may be painful but it also brings many benefits, including a return to more cost-conscious cooking – both in terms of the ingredients used, and the cooking methods. It’s good to see slow cooking backing style and The Slow Cook Book by Heather Whinney (Dorling Kindersley, hardback, £16.99/€20) is a timely and comprehensive guide. The range of 200 recipes is excellent – the kind of dishes that make you want to dive into the kitchen and get going - and instructions are given both for electric slow cookers (of which sales are currently soaring) and ordinary ovens/ranges.
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Apricot, Date and Guinness Slices with Guinness Cream Sauce

This is the season when we all love to bake, and the delightful Catherine Fulvio’s take on the traditional sticky toffee pudding recipe should be very popular, adding ‘a truly Irish dimension with the addition of the Guinness’. Catherine says that “We make this in our cookery school to great applause, though we find that the measurements of Guinness can be a bit heavy handed!”
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Plum Pudding

A whole new generation is taking up the deeply satisfying activity of home baking at the moment and a good gift for any aspiring baker would be this weighty tome, Step-by-Step Baking (Dorling Kindersley, hardback, €25).
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Lamb Boulangere

This classic dish makes a lovely, easy Sunday roast for the colder months. The meat, vegetables and potatoes are all cooked together.
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Warm Goats Cheese And Mango Salad

This is one of the dishes I enjoyed at the launch of I Love Good Food cookbook from the Irish Heart Foundation. The recipe is from television presenter Sinead Desmond, who says “This has to be one of my all-time favourite dishes, perfect for entertaining. It is stunning and simple - need I say more? Oh, and it tastes great too.” So true.
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