Lamb Wraps with Garlic Aoili & Tomato Salsa

Lamb Wraps with Garlic Aoili & Tomato SalsaYou could slow-cook a small shoulder of lamb, or an extra one or two lamb shanks, especially to make up these wraps with garlic aioli and tomato salsa, or you could use leftovers from the lamb shanks given above.

Either way, the meat should be so tender that it is easily shredded with a fork.

To make the garlic aioli:

Gently heat 85ml/31/2 fl oz olive oil. Put an egg yolk, 1 teaspoon of white wine vinegar, a crushed clove of garlic and some salt and pepper into a blender. With the motor running, slowly add the warm olive oil to make a smooth thick sauce.

This can be used cold or warmed through before serving. [Variation: For a mild roast garlic flavour, slow-cook a whole bulb of garlic along with the lamb. To use, slice the top off and squeeze the softened contents into the blender instead of using freshly crushed garlic.]

To make the salsa:

Place 4 seeded and chopped tomatoes in a bowl with 1 small finely chopped red onion, 1 tablespoon chopped fresh flat-leaf parsley, 2 tablespoons chopped fresh coriander and 1 tablespoon each of olive oil and fresh lime juice. Season to taste and mix thoroughly to combine.

To serve warm, heat eight large soft flour tortillas in the oven, wrapped in a clean damp tea towel. Shred the lamb using two forks, discarding any excess fat and bones.

Give each person a tortilla, dot over the garlic aioli, top with some lamb, a good spoonful of the salsa, then finish with some salad and a couple of slices of seeded cucumber.

Wrap and eat immediately, with some green salad on the side, or cool the wraps and then pack in a lunch box.

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