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Author: Rachel Gaffney
The famous foodie who’s flying the tricolour for us in Texas is thinking history this month…A ‘Culturally Curious’ traveller herself, she wonders how – and why - we decide on staying at a particular hotel. For some, perhaps, it’s to “…visit the past, enjoy the present and look forward to the future”. And her comments on Queen Victoria’s 1861 visit to Killarney are especially relevant now, as we mark the 10th anniversary of a modern tourism game-changer, the Wild Atlantic Way.

Ballintubbert House & Gardens
Author: Rachel Gaffney
The famous foodie who’s flying the tricolour for us in Texas introduces an exciting new garden event that’s taking place this April at Ballintubbert House & Gardens in County Laois

Grow it Yourself
Author: Michael Kelly
100,000 Children set to Grow their own Food this year with GIY & SuperValu’s ‘Let’s GROW’ Initiative

Jerusalem Artichokes
Author: Darina Allen
As we come out of the long winter months, many of us have had conditions that needed antibiotic treatment - but how many of us think afterwards about repairing the collateral damage that antibiotics cause? What’s needed is a system reboot to get the good microbes working again says Darina, who has long been a champion of boosting the gut biome with natural foods. Here she explains why microbes matter to our health and wellbeing - and shares some simple recipes that our guts will love.

IFWG Awards
Author: Georgina Campbell
Now in their 31st year, the Irish Food Writers' Guild Food Awards are very special. The Guild advocates for ethical practices in Ireland's food and drink sector and the awards are a unique independent celebration of sustainable excellence, promoting 'distinguishable quality in Irish produce and its committed creators'.

Author: Rachel Gaffney
The famous foodie who’s flying the tricolour for us in Texas is making her bookings for visits to Ireland this year - and she’s seeing a pattern

Author: Michael Kelly
Seriously exciting news from the multi-award winning social enterprise GIY (Grow It Yourself) this month, on their expansion to develop a GIY Market Garden at Curraghmore Estate in Portlaw, Co. Waterford...

Chicken Noodle Soup
Author: Darina Allen
Famed for her passion for natural food, sustainabilty and biodiversity, Darina Allen is always an inspiration – and this month, with war on waste to the fore, she’s on a mission to finish up all those half-used store cupboard items and prove how many good things you can enjoy with hardly a trip to the shops.

Author: Georgina Campbell
With concern for sustainability gearing up at an unprecedented rate, reducing waste will have topped many a New Year resolutions list this year – and, with reducing food waste in particular identified as one of the top three climate solutions, that’s an area especially worth focusing on, as we can all help to do something about it in our everyday lives.

Christmas Books
Author: Georgina Campbell
At the busiest, buzziest time of year for bookshops, here's a round up of some of our favourite recent books for cooks and food lovers, to buy for yourself or others - could be just the thing for those book tokens after Christmas…
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