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Found 131 matches, showing 31 - 40 below.

Darina Allen
Author: Darina Allen
Darina shares the joy of new season rhubarb: “ I've just had my first rhubarb of the year, a sublime bowl of roast rhubarb drizzled with Jersey pouring cream…”

Darina Allen
Author: Darina Allen
The beginning of February is very special in the Irish calendar and - although the meteorological beginning of spring is a month later - La Feile Bride, the feast day of Saint Brigid on 1st February, marks the start of the new season of seed sowing, when nature begins to spring back into life and hope is renewed. All the more reason to celebrate this year...

Darina Allen
Author: Darina Allen
Darina’s secret for a stress-free Christmas is to write lists and plenty of them - and she shares some great recipes that are suitable for smaller gatherings and will make for a calm kitchen and a relaxing festive day.

Nevin Maguire's Ribs
Author: Darina Allen
Darina introduces some of the new season’s best cookbooks for your Christmas list

Savoury Porridge
Author: Darina Allen
Let’s hear it for oats! Darina shares her love of one of Ireland’s simplest, most nourishing and most versatile foods.

Author: Darina Allen
Darina shares some of her favourite tips and recipes to make the most of an abundant harvest of homegrown produce - and reminds us to focus on the quality of the food we are feeding ourselves and our families at this critical time

Strawberry and Pepper Jam
Author: Darina Allen
Time for a jam session! Celebrating this year’s bumper fruit crops, Darina shares her 10 golden rules for successful jam-making - even if you’re a complete novice

Blue Cheese Salad
Author: Darina Allen
Darina raises a huge cheer to our wonderful Irish cheesemakers…

Darina Allen Beetroot Curry
Author: Darina Allen
This month Darina talks about sustainability, practical life skills including cookery in schools - and how we can all make a difference by thinking about every item that we put into our shopping baskets…

Coconut Curry
Author: Darina Allen
Darina has been inundated with requests for advice and recipes during the coronavirus crisis - and she is more than happy to help and encourage everyone who’s finding it challenging to put nourishing food on the table three times a day, every day…
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