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Found 135 matches, showing 41 - 50 below.

Strawberry and Pepper Jam
Author: Darina Allen
Time for a jam session! Celebrating this year’s bumper fruit crops, Darina shares her 10 golden rules for successful jam-making - even if you’re a complete novice

Blue Cheese Salad
Author: Darina Allen
Darina raises a huge cheer to our wonderful Irish cheesemakers…

Darina Allen Beetroot Curry
Author: Darina Allen
This month Darina talks about sustainability, practical life skills including cookery in schools - and how we can all make a difference by thinking about every item that we put into our shopping baskets…

Coconut Curry
Author: Darina Allen
Darina has been inundated with requests for advice and recipes during the coronavirus crisis - and she is more than happy to help and encourage everyone who’s finding it challenging to put nourishing food on the table three times a day, every day…

Chargrilled Pizza Margherita
Author: Darina Allen
Darina shares her expertise to help newbie cooks to get through the coronavirus crisis

Darina Allen
Author: Darina Allen
This month Darina shares her keenly followed annual observations on food trends: what’s hot, what’s not - and some things coming up over the horizon that we need to be aware of…

Darina Allen
Author: Darina Allen
This month Darina talks Christmas. Planning for the big day and beyond is the secret of a relaxed and enjoyable Christmas – and for Darina that means lists, and lots of them…

Jamie Oliver Veg
Author: Darina Allen
This month - Darina starts on her Christmas Book Reviews…

Drummond House garlic
Author: Darina Allen
A great day out. . .This month Darina recalls a brilliant day of discovery in the Boyne Valley area

Foragers Salad
Author: Darina Allen
This month Darina talks about a childhood pastime that later got a posh name: Foraging
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