Brigit's Garden, Rosscahill, Co Galway

Brigit's Garden

Family-friendliness is increasingly important in Irish hospitality and our Family Friendly award is more highly valued each year, as times change and people assume the whole family goes pretty much everywhere. We look for the places that cater especially well for families by providing the range of services and activities for varying ages and interests that make for a stress-free meal, day out or break. While a surprising number of promising ‘family friendly hotels’ fail to come up to the mark (we send real families to assess our shortlisted establishments) the best family-friendly hotels are a very good option indeed - and, like all the best family-focused destinations - inspire a loyal following.

This year we’re focusing on something different - Brigit’s Garden is an unusual destination with true multi-generational appeal that includes good food but is about much more.

As one of our team said, “ It reminds me of old books like Swallows and Amazons, or The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe. It’s a place where fairy tales are real, a space for children who never grew up.”

Just the spot for anyone who wants to re-acquaint themselves with their inner child then, these beautiful themed gardens have long been a favourite destination for families, school outings and everyone who finds a unique mix of history, legend and delightful garden design appealing.

Themes reflect the Celtic festivals and, in addition to woodland trails, a ring fort and a stone chamber, there’s a bright café where everything is kept pleasingly simple with a wholesome emphasis on seasonal vegetables and salads - organic when possible, and many of them grown in the gardens - and some wholesome choices for kids too, although many of the main menu items are also perfectly suitable for children.

There’s also a building that can be used for anything from talks to weddings - what a romantic, slightly bohemian setting for an alternative big day.

Special family events - Summer Solstice Day, Elves and Fairies Day etc – are held throughout the year, and even the shop is a bit different, selling hand-picked items that reflect the philosophy of the gardens and include educational books and toys for children. A magical spot.


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15 votes

Brigit's Garden Cafe

Oughterard, Co. Galway
Café / Restaurant
'Best Budget' denotes moderately priced establishment (max. less than €50pps for accommodation or €35 for 3-course meal without drinks) Previous Georgina Campbell Guides Award Winner The "Best of the Best" - Only the very best establishments across various categories have been chosen for this accolade
Well signed off the main Galway to Clifden road, these beautiful Celtic themed gardens near Oughterard have long been a favourite destination for families, school outings, active retired, tour groups and more. Others simply drop in to enjoy a wholesome ...

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