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90 below.
Kerry Lamb Pie

The meats of any area are very much a product of the environment, and traditional Kerry black-faced mountain lamb reflects the rugged conditions and natural production methods of the area. It is a seasonal treat – the prized meat of these hardy, lean animals has the special flavours of the heather, wild herbs and grasses they feed on and is available late season (July-November approx).
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Dublin Coddle

Dublin is frequently hailed as a ‘vibrant young multicultural city’ - as, in many ways, it is and its recently settled multi-cultural population has brought unprecedented change (and variety) to its food - yet many visitors, and indeed residents, still wish to seek out the great traditional foods and drinks.
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Bacon Chops with Apple & Cider Sauce

Mention Fermanagh and the chances are that the response will be ‘Fermanagh black bacon’ – in a county famous for its pork, this special product made (and trade-marked) by Enniskillen butcher Pat O’Doherty has earned its place in the foodie hall of fame.
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Fish Pie with Oat Topping

Everybody loves a good fish pie, and it is a versatile dish that can be varied with the seasons. Using the oats that are an important crop in the South-East region, the crumble topping used here makes a nice variation on the usual potato or pastry.
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Roast Loin of Pork with Apple & Spinach Stuffing

The three main ingredients in this recipe have been in common use in Irish kitchens for centuries and it still makes a delicious meal. Free range Irish pork production is increasing but it is slow to filter through to mainstream retail sales; a few specialist butchers stock it, but – like Irish apples - it’s more likely to be found through farm shops, farmers’ markets and online farm sales.
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