Rachel Gaffney’s Letter From Texas - Let's Go Wild

The famous foodie who’s flying the tricolour for us in Texas is planning for 2022 - and she, and the groups she’ll bring to Ireland, will be embracing the Irish weather  

After spending so many months indoors, perhaps it is only natural that people want to experience the great outdoors. The great American road trip is back and back with a vengeance. People are booking luxury resorts, cabins in the woods and the great American RV or recreational vehicle. Only last week I was speaking to someone who is going on a road trip for a month, taking in the National Parks.
The news that Ireland is preparing to reopen to international visitors is exciting. I don’t think people are ready to jump on long distance flights just yet, but soon, hopefully really really soon. And when they do, they will want to experience the great outdoors.

Ireland cannot compete with countries like Greece, Spain and Mexico when it comes to weather. This we know for sure. The lure of guaranteed sunshine, white sandy beaches and clear waters is powerful. So, what do I do when it comes to selling Ireland? I embrace it. After all, it’s only weather.

A few years ago, I took a group to Connemara and we stayed at The Delphi Lodge in Leenane. The day we arrived, the heavens opened and it rained for the duration of our stay. It was one of the highlights of our trip. Not because we were wet but because it was so invigorating. We knew it might rain before we went. We knew we were not going on a beach vacation. Whilst up on the mountains watching the sheepdog, the rain came across Killary Harbour in sheets. We were provided with rain gear and boots. We walked into the rain and felt it on our faces. A slight adjustment in your thinking is all it takes. To accept it. Grumbling about it makes it worse, so much worse. Accepting it and turning towards it made it so much more fun. Genuinely.

When we returned to Delphi Lodge, the fire was lighting and hot whiskeys were served, even though it was only early September!

I am currently planning group trips for 2022. Does your property offer outdoor activities that we should know about? Perhaps you offer forest bathing, beekeeping, foraging or fly fishing? Why should we stay with you? Is there something for the adventurous among us? Cliff jumping perhaps or surfing outside your property? Please let me know. I will be writing about the great outdoors in Ireland and your property could be featured in this article. You can email me with your suggestions to rachel@RachelGaffneys.com


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