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Author: Michael Kelly
GIY and Libraries Ireland launch LEAF a Food & Literacy Education participation programme for communities across Waterford

Wedge Salad
Author: Darina Allen
Nothing says summer like a salad, so why not celebrate the long days with one of Darina’s super Wedge Salads

Darina Allen BBQ
Author: Darina Allen
With summer now making a cautious appearance from time to time, Darina gives in to the inner 'caveman' that awakens her primeval instincts – and shares her Top Tips for tasty grilled food…

Summer Seafood
Author: Georgina Campbell
Light, colourful, tasty, quickly cooked and at its best in summer, Irish seafood is perfect for barbecues and casual entertaining.

Woodland Suites
Author: Rachel Gaffney
The famous foodie who’s flying the tricolour for us in Texas is smitten by The Woodland Suite Experience at The Montenotte Hotel in Cork City.

 A Compendium of Irish Pints: The Culture, Customs and Craic
Author: Georgina Campbell
Ali Dunworth is well known as a writer, journalist, consultant and events curator ‘who loves writing and talking about food and drink so much that she’s made a career out of it’. And no better woman to come up with the idea for this brilliant book

Mille Feuilles
Author: Georgina Campbell
Now growing into its role as a major player in Irish food and tourism, Waterford was in fine fettle at the recent Waterford Festival of Food in Dungarvan...

Maheshwar Scrambled Eggs
Author: Darina Allen
May is National Egg Month - a time to celebrate one of the most versatile and nutritious ingredients in our kitchens, says Darina Allen, who also urges everyone to consider keeping a few hens in the garden for a supply of beautiful fresh eggs. Eggs are not only a breakfast staple but also an essential ingredient in a wide range of dishes - salads, sandwiches and wraps, salads, sauces, baking, cakes, desserts - so let's champion the humble egg for the month of May and beyond.

Broighter Carrots
Author: Georgina Campbell
Celebrating the seriously good things in food and hospitality that North Antrim and nearby areas have to offer was the theme at a ‘Giant Taste of Causeway Coast and Glens’ event that I was fortunate enough to attend recently.

Spring Chicken in a Pot
Author: Darina Allen
Ever the champion of good, simple food, who better than Darina Allen to raise a cheer for the current elevation of the humble cabbage? Here she explains why she’s loving the renaissance of this plentiful, cheap and nutrient-loaded (“Cabbage is super cool; wouldn't that just amuse our Grannies!”) and shares some super recipes that demonstrate its delicious versatility.
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