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145 below.
Pork and Bramley Bake

Pork and Bramley apples are natural partners, and this versatile one-pot supper makes an easy family meal.
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Flahavan's Creamy Porridge with Flambeed Plums, Orange Syrup & Creme Fraiche

A signature dish created by Kevin Dundon for Flahavan’s porridge, this is definitely not your average everyday porridge but a dish to enjoy when you have plenty of time at the weekend.
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Duncannon Fisherman's Pie with Crumble Topping

In this recipe for Fisherman's Pie from Kevin Dundon try using this savoury oat crumble topping on fisherman’s pie, instead of mashed potato or pastry – and you could also consider using the fish mixture as the base for a seafood pasta or vol-au-vent.
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Beef Casserole with Oatmeal Dumplings

In the cold winter months, a stew is such a nourishing family meal. The beauty of it is that you can pop it on top of the cooker, or in the oven, and just forget about it for an hour or two and it will happily cook away. In this recipe Kevin Dundon (of Dunbrody House Hotel) has chosen to add some dumplings as they are a favourite of his. It’s best to make them about 30 minutes before you need them and hold them in the fridge until required.
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Mixed Fruit Granola

This recipe from Kevin Dundon (of Dunbrody House Hotel) is a very versatile recipe, an assembly of mixed berry compôte, toasted granola and natural yoghurt. The compote is useful for both savoury and sweet dishes - Kevin also likes to serve a spoonful with some mild creamy goat’s cheese and some crostini as an instant starter. Depending on the season, you might like to use a mixture of berries which you have picked yourself, or see what your greengrocer or supermarket is offering; frozen berries can be used in winter.
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