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25 below.
Orange and Pomegranate Salad

With Christmas behind me I crave some fresh tangy food to tantalise my palate. This is a wonderfully fresh salad made pretty with the jewel like pomegranate seeds. By sprinkling a little feta on top you have a light starter. I love this salad for breakfast or dessert.
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Marmalade Muffins

The trick to fluffy muffins is to fold the wet and dry ingredients together as briefly as possible until just combined; don’t worry if the mixture still looks a little lumpy. These muffins are best served on the day they are made. If you don’t fancy using marmalade try making them with lemon curd instead.
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Tiramisu with Vinsanto

When we ran our little deli in Sutton back in 1995, neighbours would often ask us to cater for family gatherings, pre-wedding dinners, etc. Tiramisu was particularly popular - a combination of chocolate, cream cheese and coffee that most people adore. We have tried various liquors but find that vinsanto gives it an elegant lift
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Black Forest Gateau

“This is a classic cake that cannot be improved. However, don't waste the remaining cherry juice - use it as a basis for a berry fruit salad.” From MasterChef KITCHEN BIBLE, Everything you need to know to become a MasterChef in your own kitchen (Dorling Kindersley hardback, £26/€30)
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Seared duck breasts with balsamic vinegar, rosemary and shallot sauce
by Eunice Power. This is a perfect main course for a winter’s night. The duck can be sealed off beforehand and returned to the oven when you are ready, remembering to allow for 10 minutes for the duck to relax after cooking.
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