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Found 1245 matches, showing 181 - 190 below.

Author: Georgina Campbell
Husband and wife team Stevie Lane and Amanda Fahy have created the perfect blend of old and new at the former Brownes Pub in Tuam.

Pesto Blend
Author: Georgina Campbell
Georgina Campbell discovers some unusual volumes among the autumn’s tastiest temptations for food lovers on the Christmas bookshelf …

Burren Dinners
Author: Georgina Campbell
We’ve been diving into some of the best new Irish cookbooks in search of tasty autumn bakes this month - and the year’s Christmas crop includes some pretty gorgeous recipes.

Grow It Yourself
Author: Michael Kelly
I attended a sustainability conference this week for Climate Finance Week hosted by Sustainable Nation and AIB that brought former UK climate change advisor Sr David King to Dublin. The weather before and after the event was biblical which was appropriate given that what we heard inside Dublin Castle was utterly, utterly terrifying.

Holly Bough
Author: Rachel Gaffney
The famous foodie who’s flying the tricolour for us in Texas is enjoying a serious bout of nostalgia - and feeling the benefits…

Olive Deli & Cafe
Author: Georgina Campbell
Our “Just Ask!” Restaurant of the Month winner for November 2019 is Olive Deli & Café , Skerries, Co Dublin

Jamie Oliver Veg
Author: Darina Allen
This month - Darina starts on her Christmas Book Reviews…

Grow It Yourself
Author: Michael Kelly
The summer harvesting of salads and tomatoes might be easing off a little, but it’s replaced by an abundance of apples. The joy of having your own fruit trees is that September brings gluts of fruit but on the flip side the challenge of having your own fruit trees is that you have do something with those gluts…! This week I have been grappling with buckets and trugs-full of apples.

Lemon Tree
Author: Georgina Campbell
Renowned for its lovely fresh fish, delicious home baking and friendly atmosphere, Joan Boland's gem of a café-restaurant is well worth the short walk up from the harbour at Dunmore East.

Rachel Gaffney
Author: Rachel Gaffney
On recent visits to Ireland, the famous foodie who’s flying the tricolour for us in Texas enjoyed some great hospitality and good service - and, as we all do, some not so good too…
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