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Found 289 matches, showing 201 - 210 below.

Clodagh's Irish Kitchen
Author: Georgina Campbell
by Clodagh McKenna, with photography by Tara Fisher. Kyle Books, hardback, 256pp. RRP €25

Well timed to hit the book shops just before St Patrick’s Day, Clodagh’s Irish Kitchen offers a nicely balanced collection of 150 upbeat traditional recipes presented with pzazz.

Pork Crackling
Author: Georgina Campbell
Pork is one of our most traditional and most versatile foods and, while the introduction of refrigeration made a big change to attitudes as fresh pork was no longer seen as being ’just for winter’, there is something wonderfully comforting about it and many of the great pork dishes seem to have a secret ingredient that brings warmth to the chilliest of days.

Atlantic Treasures
Author: Georgina Campbell
Fish smoking has a long history in Ireland, with traditionally smoked fish a staple on our tables until relatively recently. It is still held in affection and many people have fond memories of locally smoked fish enjoyed on childhood holidays - all of which helps to create a positive mindset for contemporary shoppers when they see modern versions of these traditional foods on display, take note of their healthy eating credentials and (in the case of Atlantic Treasures mackerel) spot the familiar Great Taste Awards logo, which is a respected independent indication of quality.

Author: Georgina Campbell
Blood oranges are a variation of the familiar orange (Citrus x sinensis) with slightly reddish tones showing in the skin and deep, in some cases almost blood-red, flesh. They are grown mainly in Mediterranean countries and one, the Arancia Rossa di Sicilia ( the Red Orange of Sicily), has PGI (Protected Geographical Indication) status.

Rich & Hearty Potato Stew
Author: Georgina Campbell
What could be more comforting in the cold, dark days of late winter than hearty dishes based on the nation’s favourite vegetable, the spud. Or any dish with a lovely big, steaming baked potato on the side? Okay, strictly speaking it’s a tuber rather than a vegetable, but we all think of it and cook it like a vegetable.

Kilmore Quay Seafood Sausages
Author: Georgina Campbell
What better food could there be to begin a new year than a comforting and healthy sausage. While sausages are an all-year food, they’re especially appealing in the early months when the weather can be harsh and comfort food is the order of the day, along with simple cooking and pocket-friendly prices. Add to that the feel-good factor of serving up a different kind of sausage, made with fresh fish, and you have a winner on your hands.

Author: Georgina Campbell
A member of the brassica (cabbage) family dating back to the 16th century or earlier, cauliflower is one of our healthiest and most versatile vegetables. With its white curdy head surrounded by a collar of green leaves, it is a lovely plant when freshly picked, yet it is widely undervalued - and that despite the fact that its image in some quarters has had an unexpected boost thanks to its rise to stardom in top restaurant kitchens of late.

Cava Bodega Cookbook, TAPAS: A TASTE OF SPAIN IN IRELAND, by Jp McMahon, with photography by Julia Dunin, paperback, 280pp, €25
Author: Georgina Campbell
Chef/restaurateur and academic Jp McMahon’s passion for all things Iberian is no secret and, of the terrific trio of Galway restaurants that he and his wife Drigin operate - the much-feted Aniar, Cava Bodega and EAT Gastropub - there’s always a feeling that his heart beats fastest for Cava. This book is certainly written from the heart and, like so many books with subtitles, therein lies its raison d’etre.

A Simply Delicious Christmas by Darina Allen
Author: Georgina Campbell
Twenty five years on and the original recipes in Darina Allen's A Simply Delicious Christmas (Gill & Macmillan, hardback €27.99) still seem as fresh and relevant as ever, but this handsome celebratory edition also includes over a hundred new recipes and many of these are a gentle seasonal reflection of our changing tastes in food.

Grow Cook Eat by Michael Kelly GIY
Author: Georgina Campbell
Georgina Campbell reviews several recently published books - Grow Cook Eat by Michael Kelly, (GIY Ireland Ltd, hardback 294pp, full colour; €25); Prannie Rhatigan’s Guide to Edible Seaweeds,( €8.45 + 2.15 p+p within Ireland) , Naked Paleo - Food stripped Bare, by Pat Divilly (Blackwater Press, paperback, 140pp, full colour; €19.95), and GOOD NUTRITION for Cancer Recovery (University College Cork)
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