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Minestrone Soup - Good Mood Food by Donal Skehan
Author: Georgina Campbell
Hallowe’en is coming up and the evenings are closing in nicely for the bonfire and sparklers – this month’s recipes are ideal for feeding family and friends the casual, hearty fare that you need when everyone is coming and going through the evening. Tasty dishes – and a yummy way to use up the pumpkin flesh once you’ve hollowed it out. And we have some seriously spooky stuff that the kids can help with too – perfect for the mid-term break.

Waterford HArvest Festival
Author: Georgina Campbell
So, it’s the end of the long summer holidays and back to school – which may sound a little sad, but the start of the new academic year is always an exciting time. It’s also a magical time for gardeners, who have the reward of harvesting (and eating) many of the crops grown this year - and the pleasure of plotting and planning for next season, as the endless cycle begins again.

Lobster - King Sitric
Author: Georgina Campbell
Ask around to see what’s regarded as the ultimate treat when dining out, and the chances are most people will say lobster – and the good news is that it’s so plentiful this summer that prices have come way, way down. So not only can you enjoy lobster more often in your favourite seafood restaurants, but it’s a real option for cooking at home or in your holiday kitchen too...

Gerry Galvin's Seafood Coddle
Author: Georgina Campbell
Whether you’re in a smart seafood restaurant such as The King Sitric of Howth or O’Connors of Bantry, relaxing in a pub like Mary Ann’s in Castletownshend or The Lobster Pot in Carne – or in your own back garden, this is the perfect time of year to make the most of seafood from Irish coastal waters. Quickly cooked and easily served with accompaniments that can be prepared ahead, seafood is ideal for barbecues and summer salads and entertaining.

Chapter One Starter - Melon & Raspberries with Cinnamon Jelly and Fresh Basil
Author: Georgina Campbell
The culinary highlight in Dublin in June is unquestionably the Taste of Dublin festival (11-14 June), held again this year at the lovely Iveagh Gardens on the south side of St Stephen’s Green; there is no lovelier place to be in fine weather – and how it has grown. As a taster, why not try some recipes selected by Georgina Campbell from some of the chefs and restaurants taking part? Emphatically not the ‘restaurant’ dishes they are likely to be offering at the event, these are straightforward seasonal recipes for cooking at home which have been given to her at various times over the years or appear in their books.

Author: Georgina Campbell
A really encouraging thing is happening all over Ireland at the moment: growing-your-own is back in style. And, although there’s a touch of ‘Digging for Victory’ about the unlikely places that are being turned into productive gardens, it isn’t just about beating the recession or keeping costs down, but more to do with a return to reality and care about quality food and where it comes from...

Leg of Lamb Roasted with Mustard and Rosemary
Author: Georgina Campbell
Lamb is synonymous with spring, and has become one of the most popular Easter treats in recent years. New season Irish spring lamb is tiny and delicately flavoured - and commands a premium price; certainly a treat by any standards. But what you’re more likely to be cooking at this time of year, especially for a gathering of any size, will actually be hogget, which is a one year old lamb with plenty of meat on it and good-sized roasting joints.

IFWG Award Winners
Author: Georgina Campbell
Every February the Irish Food Writers Guild (IFWG) announce their unique Awards of Excellence, which are presented to just three or four carefully selected top food producers at a special awards ceremony in Dublin. The recipes in this article are based around the products that won the awards in 2009.

Hot Chocolate Fondant
Author: Georgina Campbell
Although it may not feel like it with the seriously wintry weather we always seem to get at this time of year, St Bridget’s Day officially marks the beginning of our Irish spring – and, as Tennyson said, this is ‘when a young man’s fancy lightly turns to thoughts of love’. .
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