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Found 107 matches, showing 1 - 10 below.

Author: Michael Kelly
GIY and Libraries Ireland launch LEAF a Food & Literacy Education participation programme for communities across Waterford

Grow it Yourself
Author: Michael Kelly
100,000 Children set to Grow their own Food this year with GIY & SuperValu’s ‘Let’s GROW’ Initiative

Author: Michael Kelly
Seriously exciting news from the multi-award winning social enterprise GIY (Grow It Yourself) this month, on their expansion to develop a GIY Market Garden at Curraghmore Estate in Portlaw, Co. Waterford...

Get Ireland Growing
Author: Michael Kelly
Mick Kelly and the wise folk at GIY are urging every household in Ireland to 'sow a seed and Get Ireland Growing’ to mark the longest day of the year...

GIY GROW at school
Author: Michael Kelly
Grow It Yourself (GIY) calls on businesses and well-wishers to back an important €1 million initiative for children to GROW At School

Mick Kelly
Author: Michael Kelly
There’s a vegetable shortage crisis, yet Irish vegetable growers are going out of business – what’s going on?

GIY Pumpkin
Author: Michael Kelly
GIY founder Mick Kelly has plenty of ideas to keep us all busy and well fed all year

Grow it Yourself
Author: Michael Kelly
Join in 'Get Ireland Growing Day’ 2022 urges GIY Ireland founder, Mick Kelly - projects like seed exchanges, pollinator walks and foraging with friends all help to realise the power of communal vision and effort

GIY Wasted
Author: Michael Kelly
There may not be too many people around who remember the Dig For Victory campaign in WW2, but the importance of food security has taken on a new urgency recently - and GIY founder Mick Kelly and his team have plenty of ideas and advice to help keep us all well fed while also enjoying gardening...

GIY December Almanac
Author: Michael Kelly
GIY founder and ‘Green Guru’ Mick Kelly has plenty of ideas on How to have a more Sustainable Christmas
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