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Found 1245 matches, showing 261 - 270 below.

Michael Kelly
Author: Michael Kelly
It’s a nice surprise to discover that what you have considered a real nuisance in the veg patch, could in fact turn out to be a blessing. I’ve been plagued with chickweed for well over a year now in the small polytunnel.

Brian McDermott's Donegal Table Delicious Everyday Cooking (O’BrienPress, hardback, €19.99 /£17.99)
Author: Georgina Campbell
Donegal has gained a reputation as one of the coolest places on earth of late, but there are plenty of people who have known that all along - and that includes the well known chef and teacher, Brian McDermott, who lives and runs his cookery school on the beautiful Inishowen Peninsula.

Darina Allen
Author: Darina Allen
This month Darina talks about eggs - preferably from happy lazy hens.
Eggs are truly a super food, every cook’s best friend. Unsurprisingly they are having their moment again, particularly in the US. This was very evident on recent visits to both the West and East coasts of America. In virtually every restaurant and café, eggs were starring on the menu in some shape or form, not just for breakfast and brunch. Even food carts and food trucks were serving eggs in many guises.

Michael Kelly
Author: Michael Kelly
It is fair to say that it has been a long and thoroughly miserable winter, with almost 6 months of grim weather at this stage. The impact has been minimal enough for the home-grower but we should of course spare a thought for the people who make a living from food production, particularly commercial growers and farmers.

Lemon Tree Restaurant
Author: Georgina Campbell
After nearly two decades on Lower Main Street, the Molloy family's popular restaurant in the centre of Letterkenny moved around the corner in 2017, to spacious new premises at the Courtyard Shopping Centre. Thankfully it was a case of "Same staff same food, just new location" and their many fans are happy to observe the three brothers - Thomas, Gary and Euro-Toques chef, Christopher Molloy - at work on their modern Irish cooking in the new semi-open kitchen, and to enjoy the buzz.

Georgina Campbell Irish Breakfast Awards 2018 in association with Failte Ireland
Author: Georgina Campbell
From Five Star Hotel to B&B or Visitor Attraction - It’s The Irish Breakfast At Its Best!
It’s shaping up to be a great year for Irish hospitality and with accommodation bookings well up everywhere and eating out for breakfast and brunch now hugely popular - especially in cities - the quality of The Irish Breakfast is playing a new part in showcasing the stellar standards of our food and hospitality industries.

Ferrit & Lee
Author: Georgina Campbell
Pat Ferriter and Stephen Lee celebrate a year in business at their smart modern restaurant near the gates of the Old Midleton Distillery this month - and they have every reason to be proud of their achievements.

GIY Eat Together
Author: Michael Kelly
There’s a great scene from Michael Moore’s 2015 documentary Where to Invade Next that focuses on school dinners. He visits a small rural town in France and goes to the ‘best place to eat in town’ – the local school’s cafeteria. In France, they consider school lunch to be part of the teaching day.

IFWG 2018 Award Winners
Author: Georgina Campbell
Now in their 24th year, the Irish Food Writers’ Guild (IFWG) Food Awards celebrate organisations and food producers who create, make and share great Irish produce and products while helping to develop Ireland’s growing international reputation in food and drink.

Darina Allen
Author: Darina Allen
A growing body of research confirms that our food should be our medicine. So making time to shop well and cook for ones family becomes an even greater priority at a time when so many people are stressed and stretched to the limit trying to keep more balls in the air than is even remotely possible. Something has to give but it mustn’t be nourishing wholesome food – too much depends on dinner…
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