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Found 1245 matches, showing 331 - 340 below.

Margaret Hickey in Costa Rica
Author: Margaret Hickey
Having written Ireland's Green Larder, a history of the food and drink of Ireland, concentrating on the food of the rural poor in particular, I was particularly interested in the food of a country I've just visited - Costa Rica. Think coffee, think avocados the size of melons, think stupendous chocolate and think fresh, fresh fish and shellfish. But also think poverty. The people are well nourished, but not well off, so the staple diet for many is still gallo pinto - rice and black beans.

Afternoon Tea in Dallas
Author: Rachel Gaffney
Last December I hosted a morning coffee for 10 friends. My invitation was very simple. Please enjoy a cup of coffee or tea and a slice of cake. Sit and chat. In the midst of this hectic season it was indeed a welcome respite. It gave me so much pleasure to take out my tea service, light some candles and enjoy the aroma of christmas baking in my home. The process is as much a part of the enjoyment as the actual tea.

Paul Kelly
Author: Jillian Bolger
JILLIAN BOLGER wonders why we so rarely see the work of highly skilled pastry chefs credited by including their names on menus
Over many years as a food writer I’ve always been struck at how many of us rank our dessert as the highlight of a meal. It’s not always those of us with the sweetest teeth either. That sensational citron tart, that amazing crème brûlée, that luscious chocolate fondant: they’re often the thing we remember most about dining out.

Knockdrinna Carrots
Author: Darina Allen
Bet you didn’t know there was such a thing as an International Carrot Day, well indeed there is. It is celebrated every year on April 4th, the day when virtues of the carrot are highlighted through Carrot Parties and Carrot related festivities around the world.

GIY Hens
Author: Michael Kelly
We added ten new hens to the flock here at home this week, ostensibly so the Eldest Child could satisfy his entrepreneurial instincts and start to sell our excess eggs.

Chef Interrupted by Trevis Gleason
Author: Barbara Collins
Chef Interrupted by Trevis Gleason
Not many people who have been diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis would be able to start a new life for themselves on another continent, but the former American chef Trevis Gleason's inspiring read Chef Interrupted- Discovering Life's Second Course in Ireland with Multiple Sclerosis tells the story of how he did just that.

Lucy Madden
Author: Lucy Madden
In sparkling form this month, Lucy Madden asserts that "for anyone young, and naturally sociable, there can be few more promising career paths to take than in hospitality".

Martin & Sile Dwyer
Author: Martin Dwyer
This month: On French School Meals
Running a chambre d'hote in France, which also serves table d'hote meals to guests, you get a real insight into the eating habits of various nations.

La Boheme - Food
Author: Georgina Campbell
A wonderfully atmospheric restaurant in the vaulted basement of Waterford’s Chamber of Commerce building, La Bohème immediately took its rightful place as the area’s leading fine dining destination when well known Breton chef Eric Thèze and his wife, Christine, restored the fine Georgian building and opened it as a restaurant in 2006.

The Friendly Farmer Pasture-Reared Chicken with Lemon Viennoise and Sweet Potato Purée
Author: Georgina Campbell
Since 1993, the Irish Food Writers’ Guild (IFWG) Food Awards have celebrated Ireland’s food producers and organisations, recognising those behind the great Irish produce that is integral to Ireland’s growing reputation in food and drink, both at home and abroad.
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