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Found 1245 matches, showing 91 - 100 below.

Postgraduate Diploma in Irish Food Culture
Author: Kate Ryan
Applications are open for UCC’s Postgraduate Diploma in Irish Food Culture. Recent graduate, food writer Kate Ryan, gives her perspective on why it’s never too late to return to college!

Shepherds Pie
Author: Georgina Campbell
With water generally abundant in Ireland I’ve often wondered why the wonderfully peppery ‘superfood’ watercress is so hard to come by, as it’s a versatile ingredient that gives a piquant extra dimension to salads and many other dishes...

Gregans Castle Hotel
Author: Rachel Gaffney
The famous foodie who’s flying the tricolour for us in Texas has been looking forward to 2022 bookings coming in for a long time - and that time has come.

An Irish Chef in France
Author: Martin Dwyer
Martin and Sile Dwyer’s Chambre d’Hôte in the Languedoc will remain closed for the 2021 season. But delicious food is always a highlight in the Dwyer household and afternoon visitors may be lucky enough to be offered Martin’s own version of that crunchy classic, Biscotti, with their tea…

Darina Allen Sauerkraut
Author: Darina Allen
Famed for her passion for natural food, sustainabilty and biodiversity, who better than Darina Allen to headline Irish events recently on World Microbiome Day? Here she explains why microbes matter to our health and wellbeing, warns against sanitising away the beneficial bacteria that help to protect us – and shares some super recipes that our guts will love.

Rachel Gaffney
Author: Rachel Gaffney
The famous foodie who’s flying the tricolour for us in Texas is planning for 2022 - and she and the groups she’ll bring to Ireland will be embracing the Irish weather

Martin Dwyer
Author: Martin Dwyer
Martin and Sile Dwyer’s Chambre d’Hôte in the Languedoc will remain closed for the 2021 season. But, as ever in the Dwyrer household, delicious food is always a highlight - including this happy discovery, Martin’s wonderful (and glurten free) Boiled Lemon Cake.

Author: Darina Allen
Outdoor dining is the big theme this summer - and you can be sure that Darina does things differently…

Author: Georgina Campbell
Excitement is building all over Ireland as hospitality prepares to re-open – and nowhere more so than at GROW HQ, the beautiful GIY headquarters and café just across the road from the University Hospital on the Dumore Road in Waterford, which re-opens on 7th June and is perfectly set up for atmospheric outdoor dining...

Richard Corrigan
Author: News
While President Biden’s Earth Day summit on 22nd April was the highlight event on the international stage, the day also inspired myriad public contributions from businesses, organisations and individuals all over the world, including Ireland. We especially enjoyed this one from Richard Corrigan’s Co Cavan property, Virginia Park Lodge, because it sums up the optimism, energy, generosity and practicality of the man himself - the world needs more like that - and, importantly, the Top Ten Tips remind us of the simple things that we can all do to make a difference.
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