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Found 1245 matches, showing 121 - 130 below.

Pancakes with Lemon
Author: Georgina Campbell
Delicious pancakes hot off the pan sum up Shrove Tuesday (16th February this year) for a lot of families - and making them is fun, so it’s just what we need right now...

Ashford Castle
Author: Georgina Campbell
Paul Fogerty, head sommelier at Ashford Castle, shares his recommendations for wine choices to complement many occasions and foods over the festive period - even if you’re not booked into Ashford Castle!

Cliff House Hotel
Author: Rachel Gaffney
The famous foodie who’s flying the tricolour for us in Texas anticipates a new world of travel as we gradually emerge from Covid restrictions – and it’s one in which Ireland has a lot to offer

Martin Dwyer
Author: Martin Dwyer
Now living in the Languedoc, where they take guests - and feed them very well - Waterford chef Martin Dwyer and his wife Sile have been closed this season due to Covid, which has given them time to enjoy the quirks of their old house and find out more about its history

Darina Allen
Author: Darina Allen
Darina’s secret for a stress-free Christmas is to write lists and plenty of them - and she shares some great recipes that are suitable for smaller gatherings and will make for a calm kitchen and a relaxing festive day.

Edward Hayden Cookery School
Author: Georgina Campbell
For all its challenges, many interesting projects came out of 2020 and creating a group cookery book, as Visit Kilkenny have done with their online Kilkenny Christmas Traditions collection of festive recipes, was one of the best for morale.

The Joy of Food
Author: Georgina Campbell
A simple statement on the back cover of The Joy of Food says, ‘This is the book that Rory O’Connell was born to write.’ And it is no overstatement. If ever there was a cookbook that expresses the author’s life philosophy, this is it...

Grainne Bagnell
Author: Rachel Gaffney
The famous foodie who’s flying the tricolour for us in Texas reflects on our relationship with trees for wellness and wellbeing - and the increasingly popular practice of Forest Bathing

Martin Dwyer Sushi
Author: Martin Dwyer
A keen observer of the changing food scene, Euro-Toques chef Martin Dwyer is well known in Ireland for the excellent restaurant that he and his wife Sile ran in Waterford, until they moved to France in 2004. They now live in the Languedoc, where they take guests - and feed them very well.

Grow It Yourself
Author: Michael Kelly
Grow-It-Yourself guru Michael Kelly shares the love for garlic - and suggests some great GIY gifts
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