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Found 1245 matches, showing 171 - 180 below.

Darina Allen
Author: Darina Allen
This month Darina shares her keenly followed annual observations on food trends: what’s hot, what’s not - and some things coming up over the horizon that we need to be aware of…

Aran Bakery & Bistro
Author: Georgina Campbell
The Brunch Award was a key moment at this year's Irish Breakfast Awards gala after 30 shortlisted venues were whittled down to one, following a public vote.

Ashford Castle Sustainability Award 2020
Author: Georgina Campbell
An important new award introduced this year, the Sustainability Award reflects the core values of our entire awards programme. With sustainability and environmental concerns taking centre stage worldwide, the hospitality industry has an important contribution to make and luxury hotels, especially, need to re-assess their offering.

Rua Café & Deli - Irish Bread Award 2020
Author: Georgina Campbell
This year’s winner is an interesting and very delicious example of Irish bread making at its best.

The Georgina Campbell Breakfast Awards 2020
Author: Georgina Campbell
Revealed: Ireland’s best breakfast venues, the best places for brunch and the ultimate Irish sausages for 2020

An Irish Chef in France
Author: Martin Dwyer
The end of a year, particularly when it coincides with the end of a decade is a time when one starts to look back and examine your last few years. For the Dwyer family it also coincides with the end of our first decade in France.

Darina Allen
Author: Darina Allen
This month Darina talks Christmas. Planning for the big day and beyond is the secret of a relaxed and enjoyable Christmas – and for Darina that means lists, and lots of them…

Author: Michael Kelly
Founder of GIY Michael Kelly and Muireann Ní Chíobháin's brilliant GIY Know-it-Allmanac aims to teach children how to grow and cook food as well as live more sustainably - and that includes having a more sustainable and environmentally friendly Christmas. Michael has been sharing his passion for sustainable and seasonal living for over 10 years now and he shares some of the things he has learned in order to have a more eco-friendly festive season.

Author: Georgina Campbell
Modestly described on publication as “A timely cookbook from Ireland’s plant-based pioneers”, Cornucopia: The Green Cookbook went on to win the Avoca Cookbook of the Year 2019 title at the An Post Irish Book Awards within weeks of hitting the bookshops...

Author: Georgina Campbell
For most of us Christmas is all about tradition and Darina Allen’s column this month focuses on the creating a memorable meal with roast turkey and all the trimmings. But new traditions can be created too and it’s great to see the visionary Galway chef and seafood advocate, JP McMahon, encouraging everyone to do just that by including Irish seafood in our festive dining this year...
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