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80 below.
Shepherds Pie wth Watercress Champ

Comfort food at its best, this recipe is from chef Antony Worrall Thompson, who is “… a huge fan of watercress; its distinctive mustardy flavour suits a variety of different dishes, from meat, fish and stir fries to soups and salads.” This pie should be made with lamb, he says, hence the reference to shepherds, but traditionally it was normally made with the leftovers of the Sunday joint whatever that happened to be. “I often serve a variation on the classic using cauliflower cheese instead of mashed potato which is lower in carbohydrate. However, there’s really no comparison for the real thing - just serve a big dollop and enjoy!”
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Corned Beef and Colcannon With Maple Roasted Carrots

This recipe is from Paul Flynn’s cookbook, Second Helpings, Further Irish Adventures with Food (ISBN 1-903464-84-6). Paul is proprietor-chef of the renowned restaurant and cookery school, The Tannery, in Dungarvan, Co Waterford, and has for many years been well known for his commitment to using local produce.
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Smoked Fish with Mustard and Cabbage

A simple, nourishing midweek meal.
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Hazelnut Coffee Cake

Using quality butter makes all the difference in baking, as my mother always said, and this was one of my father’s favourite cakes. Coffee and nuts combine well in cakes - walnuts are most usual, but hazelnuts make an even better combination as you’ll find when you try this simple but attractive cake, which is from my 1992 cookbook, Meals For All Seasons (available only from ireland-guide .com).
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Pigeon with Pommes Mousseline and Pancetta Peas

Fresh peas are listed for this dish from Claire Lara (lecturer and 2010 Professionals champion) but, as peas freeze exceptionally well, frozen peas make a perfectly reasonable alternative – particularly as pigeon is in season longer than peas. From MasterChef AT HOME (DK hardback 366pp, £20 / €25)
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