Glaslough, Co. Monaghan

Glaslough village is in County Monaghan and is 11 km (7 miles) north-east of Monaghan town. Nearby Glaslough House is set amongst a beautiful wooded demesne and there is also an equestrian centre nearby. Lough Emy, near the village of Emyvale, is noted for the number of its fowl and swans. 


Hilton Park - Garden Clones County Monaghan ireland
Hilton Park
Clones, Co. Monaghan
Once described as a “capsule of social history” in recognition of their collection of family portraits and memorabilia going back 250 years or more, Johnny and Lucy Madden’s wonderful 18th century mansion is set in beautiful cou ...


There is no featured golf course in the area

Self Catering

There is no featured selfcatering establishment in the area

What's On

Tyrone Farmers Market - Dungannon Co Tyrone - 1st Saturday of Month
Tyrone Farmers Market - 1st Saturday of month 8.30-1pm

Tesco Carpark, Dungannon

Contact: Irene Molloy - 048 375 23752 /

Tourist Attractions

Armagh Planetarium - Armagh County Armagh Northern Ireland
Armagh Planetarium
Armagh, Co. Armagh
Armagh Planetarium is a world-renowned astronomical educational establishment established in 1968 to bring astronomy to a wider audience. The Planetarium features extensive exhibits highlighting the exploration of space and how this is helping us ...

Wedding Venues

Hilton Park - Wedding Venue - Clones County Monaghan Ireland
Hilton Park
Clones, Co. Monaghan
Once described as a “capsule of social history” in honour of their collection of family portraits and memorabilia going back 250 years or more, Johnny and Lucy Madden’s wonderful 18th century mansion is approached by a mile-long ...
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