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Found 289 matches, showing 121 - 130 below.

Keith Boyle - The Bay Tree Bistro
Author: Georgina Campbell
"Locally sourced food, cooked local, by a local chef" is the mantra that has diners flocking to Keith and Carmel Boyle's spacious two-storey restaurant Merchants Quay, along with "quality over quantity" - and, while we're at it, they have earned a reputation for great service and good value too.

The Great Dixter Cookbook
Author: Georgina Campbell
As we head into early summer - loveliest of seasons for gardens, whether your own or others to visit - there’s no better time to remember the late great Christopher Lloyd, gardener and garden writer extraordinaire. His books are inspiring yet full of common sense and they read like novels, and his home - Great Dixter, on the borders of Kent and Sussex - was designed by Edwin Lutyens, who also designed most of the gardens that were the love of Lloyd’s life and remain one of Britain’s favourite gardens.

Pat and Miriam Mulcahy
Author: Georgina Campbell
It is the quality of their products that leads many to Pat and Miriam Mulcahy’s farm on the edge of Mitchelstown in Ireland’s Ancient East, as their tender Ballinwillin venison and free range wild boar features on many leading hotel menus

Kevin Dundon cooking asparagus
Author: Georgina Campbell
Asparagus is all too familiar as an all-year flown-in product, but locally grown asparagus is a different thing altogether. It was once widely grown in walled gardens and flourishes in many areas of Ireland - where it would be nice to see it back in production again.

Flatbread - Paula McIntyre
Author: Georgina Campbell
The arrival of April, and Easter, brings a change of tone in the kitchen. Here are a few suggestions for some aromatic recipes that can be served as sharing dishes and suit the longer, brighter days - and, perhaps, a little casual entertaining.

Restaurant Sage, Letterkenny
Author: Georgina Campbell
Just across the road from An Grianan Theatre in Letterkenny, Restaurant Sage is the brainchild of Donegal man and hospitality professional Garvan Gallagher, who travelled far and wide before settling back here to open the restaurant of his dreams in 2013. It’s a lovely big modern room and very simply decorated - think local photographs of Donegal set against white walls. Just the right setting when you want the food to take centre stage.

La Boheme - Food
Author: Georgina Campbell
A wonderfully atmospheric restaurant in the vaulted basement of Waterford’s Chamber of Commerce building, La Bohème immediately took its rightful place as the area’s leading fine dining destination when well known Breton chef Eric Thèze and his wife, Christine, restored the fine Georgian building and opened it as a restaurant in 2006.

The Friendly Farmer Pasture-Reared Chicken with Lemon Viennoise and Sweet Potato Purée
Author: Georgina Campbell
Since 1993, the Irish Food Writers’ Guild (IFWG) Food Awards have celebrated Ireland’s food producers and organisations, recognising those behind the great Irish produce that is integral to Ireland’s growing reputation in food and drink, both at home and abroad.

Teelings Whiskey & Little Milk Co
Author: Georgina Campbell
The Little Milk Company is an innovative cooperative demonstrating that environmentally responsible small producers can thrive by working together – and they are the winners of the Irish Food Writers’ Guild 2017 Environmental Award. In 2008, ten organic dairy farmers from Munster and Leinster came together as a discussion group chaired by Pat Mulrooney to consider the sustainability of their family farms.

Lemon Cake
Author: Georgina Campbell
For some reason I always feel that - apart from the big baking build up to a traditional Christmas - March is the month when the gentle rituals of baking really come into their own. While bright and brave, with its cheery bulbs in flower, it can be a harsh month and the idea of spending hours creating delicious bakes in a cosy kitchen seems very appealing.
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