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Found 289 matches, showing 181 - 190 below.

Summer Seafood Linguine Marinara
Author: Georgina Campbell
Summer by the seaside means lots of fresh fish and seafood - and fortunately the best way to treat good seafood is simply, so these recipes are perfect for those summer evenings when you just want something easy and tasty.

Yellow Man
Author: Georgina Campbell
Not exactly ‘in season’ of course, but the crunchy sweet, Yellow Man, is unique to Northern Ireland and - although it is also found on stalls at other country fairs and, nowadays, in the shops - this traditional toffee-like sweet is firmly associated with Lammas Fair, which is held at Ballycastle, Co Antrim, in late August and marks the end of the summer (24-25th August 2015).

It’s The Little Things - Francis Brennan’s Guide to Life (Gill & Macmillan hardback (Gill & Macmillan hardback 231pp, €14.99).
Author: Georgina Campbell
This month Georgina reviews three titles:

It's The Little Things - Francis Brennan’s Guide to Life

The Hooker in the Lobby by Paul Treyvaud

A Taste Of Love by Theodora FitzGibbon


Farmhouse Baguette with Blue Cheese & Bacon
Author: Georgina Campbell
Bord Bia has been very supportive of cheesemakers, and of small producers generally, and through the EU-funded Discover Farmhouse Cheese programme, they are currently encouraging us to make handmade cheeses part of our everyday shopping, both for raw or ‘cheeseboard’ use, and to use in cooking.

Neven Maguire's Complete Baby & Toddler Cookbook
Author: Georgina Campbell
Neven Maguire’s Complete Baby & Toddler Cookbook.

Every parent wants to give their child the best possible start in life and, just as a good breakfast is the best start to each day, good nutrition in the early stages is the best foundation for health throughout life. And who better to advise than Ireland’s best loved chef and father of 3-year old twins, Neven Maguire?

Farrellys Butchers
Author: Georgina Campbell
Following an apparently unstoppable onslaught by the multiples and their promise of convenience and low prices, the family butchers shop has undergone a remarkable renaissance in recent years - greatly helped by the support of quality, fair price and local provenance driven groups such as Euro-Toques Ireland...

Wild Strawberries
Author: Georgina Campbell
Wild strawberries, Fragaria Vssca, the woodland strawberry or fraises des boi,s grow abundantly all over the northern hemisphere and their small, but sweet and intensely aromatically flavoured, fruits are produced generously over a long season - it will surprise many who think of strawberries as a fruit of high summer, that they continue to fruit well into autumn (in season from June to late September).

Confit of Chicken Terrine
Author: Georgina Campbell
How often do you eat chicken? It is by far the most popular meat in Ireland, accounting for about a third of the nation’s total meat consumption, so the chances are you eat it several times a week. And the demand for chicken breast fillets in Ireland is extraordinarily high compared to other parts of Europe.

Kevin Dundon's Back to Basics
Author: Georgina Campbell
Feast or Famine: a Cultural Food Journey of the North West of Ireland by Emmett McCourt. Guildhall Press, hardback, 272 pp, fully illustrated. £19.95.

Kevin Dundon’s Back To Basics - Your Essential Step-by-Step Cookbook Mitchell Beazley/Octopus Publishing; hardback 222 pages, photography by Cristian Barnett; £20.

Kai Winners
Author: Georgina Campbell
Fun, quirky and always busy, Kai (meaning food in Maori) is the brainchild of chef Jess Murphy, a New Zealander who, with her Irish husband David front-of-house, converted this former tearoom café on Galway city’s Westside to create a rustic café and restaurant with a casual vibe and loads of atmosphere.
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