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Found 1258 matches, showing 361 - 370 below.

Tomato Seeds Sown
Author: Michael Kelly
I absolutely love being a GIYer at this time of the year. It's hard not to feel all spring-like and full of hope about life in general when one sees a little green seedling emerging from the cold, brown earth.

Lucy Madden
Author: Lucy Madden
This month Lucy Madden considers the rampant rise of Airbnb - and the merits of spending precious time and money with people who know what they are doing, i.e. the hospitality professionals

Born & Braised
Author: Georgina Campbell
Thanks to its inspiring leaders, brilliant calendar of events throughout the year and enthusiastic support from producers, chefs ad the general public, Northern Ireland’s Year of Food and Drink 2016 was a huge success - and the legacy lives on.

Lee Martin - The Draft House
Author: Just Ask
Since May 2015, Daniel McGarrigle's gastropub The Draft House has proved a very popular addition to the surfing hotspot of Strandhill - a village that’s already a food lovers’ destination with a diverse range of interesting eating places. With its casual ingredients-led food, focus on craft drinks and laid-back vibe, The Draft House fits in perfectly.

Pancakes with Lemon
Author: Georgina Campbell
Shrove Tuesday (28th February this year) is one of the best loved culinary landmarks of the year for many families, because the traditional image it conjures up is very hard to beat: simple and mouth wateringly delicious pancakes, hot off the pan.

White Gables Valentines Day
Author: Anne Marie Carroll
In a light hearted mood this month, West of Ireland food writer Anne Marie Carroll introduces a unique Galway food tour that celebrates singletons on Valentine’s Day

Fire place with crane and ash hole
Author: Margaret Hickey
Food writer Margaret Hickey sees the history of Ireland differently - and it’s all through the prism of food and drink

Jillian Bolger
Author: Jillian Bolger
BAD SERVICE - Food & Travel Writer JILLIAN BOLGER has got the bit between her teeth on this one, and she’s not letting go. And she’s dead right.

Veronica Steele
Author: Martin Dwyer
Veronica Steele, who died last month was indeed one of the most important innovators in the food revolution of Ireland. The story of how she, virtually single handedly, reinvented the cheese industry is now well known, how an almost chance tasting by Dermot Ryan and Myrtle Allen in Annie Goulding's restaurant in Sneem led to the wonderful flowering of Irish craft cheese.

Miso Happy
Author: Darina Allen
What will we be eating in 2017? Well for most of us it will probably be more of the same but my top tip for what it’s worth is to eat a wide variety of real food and no food products – real food is not the same as food products. We need lots of biodiversity to feed and nourish our gut biome – the health of our gut flora has a phenomenal impact on both our mental and physical health.
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