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Found 1245 matches, showing 361 - 370 below.

Vermicelli With Roast  Duck In Soup
Author: Georgina Campbell
China, The Cookbook by Kei Lum and Diora Fong-Chan
The traditional holiday period associated with the Chinese New Year is in full swing and, just as St Patrick’s Day gives us a unique opportunity to remind the world of all things Irish (or, in the unlikely event that it doesn’t already exist, create awareness), this is a time to celebrate Chinese culture everywhere.

GIY FEbruary
Author: Michael Kelly
And so it begins. Another season starts with the determined act of seed sowing in the potting shed. A bag of compost opened and tipped out on the sowing bench. Cold black plastic pots filled with even colder blacker compost.

Moloughney's - chefs
Author: Georgina Campbell
Just off the seafront, in what has become the ‘restaurant quarter’ of Clontarf, this atmospheric two-storey restaurant is an especially inviting place and full of character, so always likely to be busy.

Author: Georgina Campbell
For every traditionalist who loves the ritual of the turkey, ham, plum pudding and mince pies at Christmas, there is probably another who - for cultural, religious or dietary reasons - celebrates festive occasions differently. Vegetarians and vegans are no longer the small minority that they once were and, even in families where the turkey still takes centre stage at Christmas, there’s a good chance there will be a diner in the group who marches to a different drummer.

Jillian Bolger
Author: Jillian Bolger
Disappointed with the service at a famous Irish restaurant, JILLIAN BOLGER says proprietors need to realise that investing in front-of-house training is investing in a satisfied customer.

Man of Aran Fudge
Author: Georgina Campbell
Christmas wouldn’t be Christmas without some sweet treats to hand round after dinner and you can’t beat good old fashioned fudge, made with pure butter.

Food Champs
Author: Anthony O'Toole
Failte Ireland Food Champion Anthony O'Toole tells us about a memorable benchmarking trip to Denmark, that will help to “put our little green land on the world map for food and tourism”

Castlefarm Chicken
Author: Jenny Young
Yay December, our quietest month on the farm. We have dried off the cows and the whole farm is in winter holiday mode. No milking for six weeks. The main job each day on the farm is feeding silage and straw bedding. It’s time to catch up on work and prepare a little for the spring. This month we will be fixing fences and clearing calving sheds for the spring.

Galway Christmas Market
Author: Anne Marie Carroll
With Galway’s famous Christmas Market in full swing and casting its magic spell over the city, West of Ireland food writer Anne Marie Carroll celebrates Galway markets old and new

Secret Garden Path
Author: Rachel Gaffney
The famous foodie who’s flying the tricolour for us in Texas describes what can happen over lunch with five hundred ladies - in a phone- and social media-free zone.
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