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Found 1245 matches, showing 371 - 380 below.

Author: Georgina Campbell
The new books highlighted by Darina Allen in her column this month include Gather, by Gill Meller (Quadrille, £25) and, from it, she selected the lovely recipe for pheasant and quince

Author: Michael Kelly
I have two blackcurrant bushes in the garden – they are prolific croppers and don’t get a huge amount of love from me if the truth be known. I always consider them a second-tier crop – not quite as tasty as say raspberries, strawberries or blueberries.

Kristin Jensen
Author: Kristin Jensen
KRISTIN JENSEN - co-author of ‘Slainte! The complete Guide To Irish Craft Beers and Ciders’ - introduces us to Dungarvan Brewing Company Gallows Hill Barley Wine

Confrerie Barberstown
Author: News
Ross Golden Bannon reflects on the significance of a very special event, when the oldest wine guild in France teamed up with the oldest seafood restaurant in Dublin - a unique celebration of quality that resulted in a convivivial evening of wonderful wine and food pairings

Monkfish a la mericaine
Author: Martin Dwyer
This month our man in the Languedoc, Martin Dwyer, shares the wonderful lobster recipe, Homard à l’Américaine and its history - and wishes you all a Joyeux Noel!

Rachel Allen - Recipes from my Mother
Author: Darina Allen
Darina has been inundated with a whole new crop of cookbooks published just in time for Christmas - something to tempt aspiring, experimental and accomplished cooks

Le Pain Quotidien
Author: Just Ask
Our “Just Ask!” Restaurant of the Month winner for November is Le Pain Quotidien, Kildare Village, Co Kildare. The brainchild of Belgian chef and baker Alain Coumont, Le Pain Quotidien - ‘the daily bread’ - has brought his philosophy of seasonal, organic and local to enthusiastic diners around the world, including the Irish fans who now enjoy their organic breads and wholesome fare around communal tables in Kildare Village

Mags & Ger Kirwan
Author: Georgina Campbell
The indomitable Margaret 'Mags' Kirwan - who, with her husband, Ger, runs Goatsbridge Trout Farm in Thomastown, Co Kilkenny - has never been short of ideas. The idea of using their rainbow trout to produce Ireland’s only caviar is a recent, and very successful, example of the way she thinks - and she’s been at it again, this time with a charity cookbook, 'Fishwives', that was completed just in time to launch in Kilkenny Castle last month, at the Savour Kilkenny Food Festival.

Brett Stephenson & Pamela Walsh - Wicklow Fine Wines
Author: Aoife Carrigy
Aoife Carrigy meets two pioneers who are producing fine Irish fruit wine. Their new elderberry and blackberry flavour, launched in October, is based on wild elderberries foraged in the Wicklow Mountains during autumn 2015; blended with luscious Irish blackberries, it’s a perfect match for autumn and winter food.

Karen Nixon - Vintage Tea Tours
Author: Jeanne Quigley
Jeanne Quigley and friends enjoy Dublin’s latest (and most unusual) Afternoon Tea experience - on a vintage tea bus called Pauline. Afternoon tea on a bus driving around the Dublin streets? And not just any bus – a genuine 1961 Routemaster, a real vintage bus named Pauline.
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