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Author: Georgina Campbell
Vegetarian or not, many of us are now choosing to eat less meat ('less but better', perhaps) and more plant-based protein. Aside from the health and environmental arguments, one of the great advantages for the cook is that is that it opens up a whole new way of thinking about cooking.

The Purple Onion
Author: Georgina Campbell
Paul Dempsey and Pauline Roe’s almost-Shannonside bar and restaurant has a lovely olde world feeling with dark wood, bric-à-brac and prints and, unusually, it doubles as an art gallery, so original artwork adds interest and charm. But the good food served is the main draw for most of the regulars, and visitors who pile in off their cruisers for dinner or plan a stop when driving out west or heading home after the weekend are sure of a good meal.

Roll It Pastry
Author: Dee Laffan
Dee Laffan talks to the woman behind the all-butter convenience pastry, which is made in Co Meath

Jillian Bolger
Author: Jillian Bolger
Although she is often that soldier herself, Food & Travel Writer JILLIAN BOLGER sometimes finds herself Critical of Critics

Warm Salad of Gubbeen Cheese and Bacon
Author: Georgina Campbell
Could 2016 be the year when we finally earn our stripes as ‘the food island’? There are still plenty of bad meals to be found in Ireland and foods that don’t deserve the name, but in many ways things have improved dramatically in recent years and there’s a sense of sea change in the air.

Erne Water Taxi
Author: Barbara Collins
In the NI Year of Food & Drink 2016 calendar, May is designated 'Landscape & Places' month. What better time for Barbara Collins to introduce a new way to get around the food hotspots of Fermanagh

Grapefruit Mezcal
Author: Darina Allen
This month Darina talks about this year's Kerrygold Ballymaloe Lifest LitFest (20-22 May 2016)
Things are really hotting up here at Litfest HQ, plans are romping ahead and bookings are pouring in for events at this year’s Kerrygold Ballymaloe Literary Festival of Food and Wine which Condé Nast Traveller has described as one of the top 10 'Best Festivals in the World'.

Anne Marie Carroll
Author: Anne Marie Carroll
West of Ireland food writer Anne Marie Carroll fills us in on the latest good food news from Galway: Food On The Edge Set To Return 'Food On The Edge', held in Galway last October, is set to return again this year with even more international leaders from the culinary world.

Raw: Recipes For a Modern Vegetarian Lifestyle by Solla Eiríksdóttir Published by Phaidon; hardback, 240 pp, 100 specially commissioned photographs; £24.95/€34.95.
Author: Georgina Campbell
Raw: Recipes For a Modern Vegetarian Lifestyle by Solla Eiríksdóttir Published by Phaidon; hardback, 240 pp, 100 specially commissioned photographs; £24.95/€34.95.

The Vine
Author: Martin Dwyer
First let me confess that I am not the gardener in Le Presbytère- that role is certainly taken by my wife Sile. I am called upon from time to time when there is heavy work involved but, after forty three years of marriage, we have discovered our own happiest spaces, mine in the kitchen and hers in the garden.
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