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Author: Jenny Young
At Castlefarm the breeding season has finally ended. The Aberdeen Angus bulls that were brought onto the farm to ‘clean up’ after ai have been sold. We have cut our second cut of pit silage and have cut and wrapped 130 bales for the winter. Half of our spring born heifer calves have been farmed out to another organic farmer, who will rear them under organic standards for the next year. We are constantly under pressure for grass, hence the need to have our calves contract reared.

Hog Plate
Author: Barbara Collins
Barbara Collins introduces the British Street Food Awards, an exciting new competitive event at this year’s Hillsborough International Oyster Festival

Boyne Brewhouse Long Arm Dortmunder Export
Author: Kristin Jensen
The Boyne Brewhouse is a new state-of-the-art, family-owned craft brewery located on the outskirts of Drogheda, just off the M1 motorway. Their debut range of bottled craft beers includes Born in a Day Australian Pale Ale, Long Arm Dortmunder Export and Pagan’s Pillar Sparkling Copper Ale, with seasonal and specialty beers to follow.

Kevin Thornton - Tribal Cooking
Author: Dee Laffan
The Body & Soul Festival 2016 was held recently in the grounds of Ballinlough Castle, Co. Westmeath. Dee Laffan, a passionate campaigner against food waste, found much of interest to report on, including great contributions from some well known food producers, chefs and writers.

GIY Pickle Jar
Author: Michael Kelly
Successful food growing is as much about time spent in the kitchen as in the veg patch and at this time of the year that point is usually in sharp focus. The garden is at its most productive and you’re unlikely to be able to use all of its bounty straight away.

Darina Allen
Author: Darina Allen
This month Darina recounts a Co Cork food tour undertaken with a group of international students who are attending a Gastro Boot Camp at Ballymaloe Cookery School this summer

Jillian Bolger
Author: Jillian Bolger
Can someone please call time on kids' menus, asks Food & Travel Writer JILLIAN BOLGER
When did we ever decide kids’ menus were a good idea? Long before chicken nuggets, or goujons, or tenders became a thing, apparently.

Maria Canabal, president of the PARABERE Forum
Author: Anne Marie Carroll
West of Ireland food writer Anne Marie Carroll, reports on the recent Athru 2016 conference in Galway city, which focused on empowerment across the culinary arts

Tipp Food Producers
Author: Dee Laffan
Dee Laffan speaks about Networking Success with Pat Whelan, chairman of Tipperary Food Producers and winner of the Supreme Champion title at the 2015 Great Taste Awards

Wade & Elaine Murphy
Author: Georgina Campbell
Wade Murphy - recent Commissioner General of Euro-Toques Ireland and former head chef in several prestigious kitchens - planned a move away from fine dining when he had his own restaurant.
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