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Found 289 matches, showing 81 - 90 below.

Myrtle Allen, The Legacy
Author: Georgina Campbell
Ireland’s greatest food hero, Myrtle Allen, died on June 13th 2018 at the age of 94. While she is sorely missed and we will remember her especially on her anniversary, it is wonderful to see the value that is now being placed on her lifetime’s work.

Black Cat Galway
Author: Georgina Campbell
Our “Just Ask!” Restaurant of the Month winner for April is Black Cat, Salthill, Galway

Simnel Cake, “Meals For All Seasons” Wolfhound Press 1992
Author: Georgina Campbell
Chocolate seems to have taken over everything at Easter, including cakes, and the traditional Simnel Cake has become an endangered species - but it’s one of my favourite cakes and anyone who likes almond paste (marzipan) will probably agree. A tradition well worth bringing back!

Moroccan Style Braised Lamb Shanks
Author: Georgina Campbell
It’s synonymous with spring and - while I would be the first to agree that a flavoursome free range roast chicken is still one of the best dishes around -lamb has taken over from it as the favourite Easter meal in recent times.

Irish Food Writers Guild Award Winners
Author: Georgina Campbell
Now in their 25th year, the annual Irish Food Writers’ Guild Food Awards were held this month - and the main message from IFWG Chairperson, Kristin Jensen, was a call for more support for indigenous Irish food producers as the threat of Brexit looms...

The Wilds, Enniscorthy
Author: Georgina Campbell
Our “Just Ask!” Restaurant of the Year 2020 winner is The Wilds, Enniscorthy, Co Wexford

American Airlines
Author: Georgina Campbell
The famous foodie who’s flying the tricolour for us in Texas welcomes direct flights between Dallas and Dublin - and reflects on the (perhaps unexpected) similarities between Texans and the Irish

Irish Breakfast Awards 2019
Author: Georgina Campbell
Ireland’s best breakfasts, tastiest brunch venues and the ultimate Irish breakfast menu for 2019 revealed

Basilico - Derrykeel Farm
Author: Georgina Campbell
Our “Just Ask!” Restaurant of the Month winner for February is Basilico, Oranmore, Co Galway

Marmalade - the Bitter-Sweet Breakfast Treat
Author: Georgina Campbell
Now that most foods are available at any time of year, it’s hard to recall the excitement that the beginning of a new season used to generate. But there is still one exception to the rule that you can have whatever you like whenever you like: the season for Seville oranges...
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