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Found 289 matches, showing 31 - 40 below.

Lily Ramirez-Foran
Author: Georgina Campbell
Authentic Mexican food may be in fairly short supply in Ireland but – as the founder of Ireland’s first Mexican boutique grocer and cookery school, Picado Mexican in Dublin, and now author of the first cookbook to be published in Ireland by a Mexican-Irish writer - Lily Ramirez-Foran is on a mission to change all that

Pat Lalor Kilbeggin Oats
Author: Georgina Campbell
New year, new start - as good resolutions go, you couldn’t do better than resolve to eat more Irish oats. And it couldn’t be easier, or more reasonably priced, so there’s no excuse...

Cava Bodega Tapas, A Taste of Spain in Ireland
Author: Georgina Campbell
With all the ‘will we won’t we’ nerves coming up to Christmas this year, there’s something comforting about considering alternatives to the traditional celebrations - and looking forward to cooking something unusual after the festive season...

Author: Georgina Campbell
So much a part of our traditional Christmas, the edible chestnut, Castanea sativa, known as the Spanish or Sweet Chestnut, is a major food crop in some areas of Western Asia, North Africa and Southern Europe, especially the Mediterranean region.

And For Mains
Author: Georgina Campbell
The first thing to say about And For Mains… is that it’s hugely entertaining. It’s not often that I sit down and read a cookbook right through from cover to cover, but that’s what I did with this terrific first cookbook from Gareth (Gaz) Smith, chef and owner of Dublin restaurants Michael's and Little Mike's, and his friend and business partner, fourth-generation butcher Rick Higgins of Higgins Family Butchers in Sutton...

Blasta Books
Author: Georgina Campbell
The brain behind the brand - we talk to cookery editor, and now publisher, Kristin Jensen about her new cookery imprint, Blasta Books

Blasket Island lamb
Author: Georgina Campbell
While lamb is an all-year product, it’s generally associated with spring – especially Easter. But there’s a completely different and more characterful variety that comes into season later in the year: mountain lamb...

Hotel of the Year 2021
Author: Georgina Campbell
Ireland’s Restaurant, Chef, Hideaway and Pub of the Year announced in ‘Love letter to Irish food and hospitality’ From Ireland’s best hotels, fine dining and seafood to garden stays and the most pet-friendly destination, winners of Georgina Campbell Irish Food & Hospitality Awards 2021

Shepherds Pie
Author: Georgina Campbell
With water generally abundant in Ireland I’ve often wondered why the wonderfully peppery ‘superfood’ watercress is so hard to come by, as it’s a versatile ingredient that gives a piquant extra dimension to salads and many other dishes...

Author: Georgina Campbell
Excitement is building all over Ireland as hospitality prepares to re-open – and nowhere more so than at GROW HQ, the beautiful GIY headquarters and café just across the road from the University Hospital on the Dumore Road in Waterford, which re-opens on 7th June and is perfectly set up for atmospheric outdoor dining...
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