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Found 1245 matches, showing 41 - 50 below.

GIY GROW at school
Author: Michael Kelly
Grow It Yourself (GIY) calls on businesses and well-wishers to back an important €1 million initiative for children to GROW At School

The Gathered Table
Author: Georgina Campbell
A timely publication if ever there was one – and very appropriately launched recently at a lovely homely event in Eoin McCluskey’s Bread 41 Dublin bakery and café - this unusual collaborative Irish cookbook celebrates the relationship between food and home, in aid of the national housing and homeless charity Peter McVerry Trust...

Chicken Marbella
Author: Darina Allen
I recently spent an action-packed weekend in Belfast and I can tell you the city is rocking. The food scene is exploding, and I certainly couldn't manage to fit all my 'must do's into my available meal slots, I'll have to go back for more...

Mick Kelly
Author: Michael Kelly
There’s a vegetable shortage crisis, yet Irish vegetable growers are going out of business – what’s going on?

Author: Rachel Gaffney
The famous foodie who’s flying the tricolour for us in Texas recalls an unexpectedly interesting visit to Co Leitrim last summer

IFWG Awards
Author: Georgina Campbell
On 7th March, The Irish Food Writers’ Guild celebrated 30 years of their annual IFWG Food Awards with an event at Dublin’s Suesey Street, where the award winners’ products were used to create a stunning lunch menu for invited guests...

IFWG Award Winners
Author: Georgina Campbell


Bacon, Cabbage and Scallion Champ Pie
Author: Darina Allen
Darina was not surprised by the recent fresh produce supply problems in our shops, she had seen it coming for years and warns (yet again) that we must support our growers. And cooking her delicious recipes using seasonal Irish produce are a good place to start.

Darina Allen Chocolate pots
Author: Darina Allen
Romance is not just for Valentines, a date night treat is for any time... For a celebratory experience that's truly special, nothing quite tops a special home-cooked meal that's designed to be delicious, comforting and chic.

Kilronan Castle
Author: Rachel Gaffney
The famous foodie who’s flying the tricolour for us in Texas recalls an enjoyably relaxing experience when travelling solo last summer - it was Irish hospitality at its best. Solo travel has been on the increase since the pandemic and, with places like this to stay, that must be set to continue.
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