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Annes Grove Garden


Romantic gardens and woodland, with walled Edwardian flower garden and luxuriant river-side fernery.

Near Mallow
Co Cork
website Contact Annes Grove Garden
Tel: +353 22 26145

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Annes Grove Garden

Opening Months: March, April, May, June, July, August, September
Opening Days: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday
Opening Hours: UNDER RESTORATION BY OPW - CLOSED UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE Mon-Sat, 10am-5pm; Sun, 1-6pm.
Admission Charge: Adults €7; OAPs & students €5; children 5-15 €2 (discount for pre-booked adult groups).
  • Appointment Only
  • Admission Charge


Annes Grove has many blessings, among them a long history in which generations of the Annesley family have enhanced the gardens plus a happy freak of nature which offers both lime and acid conditions in the sublime location by the River Awbeg.

The earliest element within 30 acres of ‘pleasure grounds’ is the walled garden, originally laid out in the 18th century with a curious viewing ‘mount’ typical of the period where a rustic summer house looks down on aptly named ribbon beds of clipped box.

Later additions include a double herbaceous border planted with the soft shades of thalictrum, phlox and stachys, pergola walks and a lushly planted pond area within a framework of yew and beech hedges guarded by giant magnolias and eucryphias.

The ‘Ornamental Glen’, where the Awbeg flows through a limestone fault valley was first enhanced in the 1770s in the romantic manner. Rhododendrons were added to romance two generations ago when RA Grove Annesley, a subscriber to the then tremendously fashionable plant hunting expeditions planted the glen in the Robinsonian manner taking advantage of the pockets of neutral and acid soil.

Some of the rhododendrons grown from seeds collected by Frank Kingdon Ward, on his expeditions to Burma, the Yunan and Tibet, are among earliest introductions to Ireland, (R. wardiiis named for him.) Other spectacular flowering shrubs dating from this period include Cornus cousa, embothrium, eucryphia and hoheria.

There’s a complete change of mood and vegetation in the luxuriant riverside garden amid a jungle of bamboos, gunnera, skunk cabbage and Himalayan primulas. Above this sub tropical area, limestone cliffs provide Mediterranean conditions and paths lead next to the multicoloured display around the ‘Hydrangea Rock.’


Best time of year to visit: April, May, June

Gardens Strengths

Naturalistic planting and romantic setting in woodland, on cliffs and by river banks.

Rare Plants worth mentioning

Rare rhodendrons. Azara intermedia, Eucryphia Moorei, juniperus recurva Coxii Castlewellan

Groups & Tours

  • Groups Accepted
  • Groups Need Appointments
  • Accept Only Groups
  • Guided Tours

Minimum Group Size:


Tour Days:

Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday

Tour Times

Opening hours, other times by arrangement (discount for groups 20+)








Other Facilities

WCs, picnic area


Gardens were no. 4 in Daily Telegraph's 50 Best Gardens 2007 ; Dogs welcome on lead only

Annes Grove Garden - Flower Nursery
Annes Grove Garden - Flower Nursery
Annes Grove Garden Cork
Annes Grove Garden
Annes Grove Garden - Japanese Azaleas
Annes Grove Garden - Walled Garden
Annes Grove Garden - Walled Garden
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Castletownroche is on the N72 between Fermoy & Mallow. Follow sign in centre of village to "Annes Grove Gardens". After 200m road forks. Take minor road to right also signed "Annes Grove Gardens". Gardens are about 2km from village.

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