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Warble Bank


Pleasant cottage style garden with an enviable collection of plants.

Co Wicklow
Contact Warble Bank
Tel: +353 1 281 9298

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Warble Bank

Opening Months: May, June, July
Opening Days: Sunday
Opening Hours: Saturdays, 2-6pm, also by appointment on other days.
Admission Charge: €5 for garden only, €8 incl. Teas.
  • Appointment Only
  • Admission Charge

One of the most fortuitous things you could wish for in a garden is a mature setting combined with generations of gardeners. Warble Bank is blessed with both, and Anne Condell continues her late mother’s tradition at her home, which has a history stretching back 300 years.

The sheltered garden has two sides to its character, part green with trees, shrubs and grasses amid lawns falling away from the front of the house, the other floriferous enough to satisfy serious plantaholics. This colourful drama is announced with a flourish by scarlet and crimson planting with lobelias and heucheras.

In late summer visitors then run the gauntlet between ranks of stalwart gold and bronze Crocosmia‘Solfatare’, helianthus and heleniums, before the lure of a deep border where blues predominate. Herbaceous clematis, early and late monkshood, and hardy geraniums form the supporting cast with star performers like Campanula punctata and Salvia sclarea turkestancia, Veronica longifolia clouds of Geranium robustumand Aster‘Twilight’.

Anne has an eye for choice varieties and collects campanula, asters and geraniums in particular, some of them grown from seed.

Beds are laid out as a series of grids with a pergola swathed in roses ‘Kiftsgate’, ‘Francois Juranville’, ’Paul’s Himalayan Musk’, backed up by venerable apples trees and Magnolia soulangiana. There are some lovely plant combinations here, dark ruby eupatorium, and sedums with perovskia and grasses or purple sage with regano and zauschneria.

In spring the garden is full of bearded iris, early wallflowers and bulbs - daffodils, snowdrops, crocus.

At the top of the garden there is a working kitchen garden, invaded in patches by the flowers Anne grows for cutting.

Best time of year to visit: July

Gardens Strengths

Herbaceous borders, Campanulas, Geraniums, Aconitums and many unusual species and cultivars.

Rare Plants worth mentioning

Geranium Flore plenum violaceum, Stachys Macrantha , Bearded Irises and Rambling Roses.

Groups & Tours

  • Groups Accepted
  • Groups Need Appointments
  • Accept Only Groups
  • Guided Tours

Minimum Group Size:


Tour Days:

Tour Times

By Appointment



The Dublin Garden Group


Wicklow Garden Festival May-August


Art groups, painting in the garden.


Our own honey and cut flowers for sale.

Warble Bank - Garden Newtownmountkennedy County Wicklow Ireland
Warble Bank - Garden Newtownmountkennedy County Wicklow Ireland
Warble Bank - Garden Newtownmountkennedy County Wicklow Ireland
Warble Bank Garden - Newtownmountkennedy County Wicklow Ireland
Warble Bank Garden - Newtownmountkennedy County Wicklow Ireland
Warble Bank - Garden Newtownmountkennedy County Wicklow Ireland
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Southside of the village, approx 500m after the Townhouse pub, 2nd entrance on left Chestnut tree inside long beige wall, green gate, signposted.

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